Help on a mivec mitsi galant.

ron198, Feb 5, 11:09pm
hi, have a 1996 jap importmitsigalant mivec 2 litre.was running on 5 cylindersso took one head off, got6 back, very carboned up,run good for about half an hour or less, now wont idle, runs rough,makes odd noises, popping , cracking, so my mate says,car has only done about 117 kls, a very tidy one, any ideas on what to check,cheers.

rocky0169, Feb 5, 11:48pm
Throttle body sensor, idle control, ignition lead/coil pack.! sparkplug fould''' have you taken the plug's out to check them

carkitter, Feb 6, 2:27am
There is a lot of testing to be done to diagnose why it's running on 5 cylinders. Assuming that it had a leaky head gasket, worn or damaged rings, or a burnt valve (all good reasons to remove one of the heads) and that the the problem has now been fixed, are you sure the valve timing is correct! That and the ignition timing are the first places I'd look for the symptoms you described.

ron198, Feb 6, 3:59am
hi, took head off and foundcarboncausing sticking valve, and something else, fired up on six again, still runs on six, butidle problem, , but willtrydiagnosis put to me here by you guys, any other comments are welcome, cheers, ron .

n3d4sp3d, Feb 6, 5:09am
have you left a vac line loose or punctured one while removing the head, intake definately bolted on square ie not caught the gasget during instalation.

ron198, Feb 6, 5:17am
hi, will checkvacumn etc,cheers.

ron198, Dec 14, 12:52pm
does anyone know of a good mitsi mechanic in christchurch thats nottied into a dealership, cheers.