Mitsi Airtrek loss of power and jumpy idle - Help.
Jan 30, 3:28am
Hi, I got my 2001 Mitsubishi Airtrek (2.4L GDI - non-turbo 2WD) serviced the other day and after 300km the orange engine warning light suddenly came on and it developed a jumpy idle and fairly sever loss of power when trying to accelerate. does anyone know the possible cause of this! One friend suggested resetting the ECU by disconnecting the battery - another mate said it could be a sensor problem. Should I try resetting the ECU first before taking it to expensive Mitsi Dealer/Service centre!
Jan 30, 4:41am
Take it to a Mitsi dealer or auto sparky. Although, I suspect the throttle butterly has come adrift.
Nov 18, 10:56pm
sounds like the electronic throttle valve has fail safed very common on these motors, the last time I fitted 1 it was about 4-500, if this is the case buy brand new not recond or second hand because they are so common to fail at least with new u get piece of mind that it's not going to shit it self 6months down the track. I would take it to your local dealer to get it check we charge $90 for a MUT scan which is equivalant to a hrs labour. but what ever you do don't remove battery terminal means you will have to relearn idle and it throttle body is stuffed it will be difficult, if it will idle at all.
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