Long story short; I've recently noticed that my car tends to move towards the left and is more difficult to drive.This is following going over two average sized potholes, and there was no problem before hand.
Is it possible that the wheel alignment is out, or that the wheel weighting has been buggered!Anything else that could have caused this!
Feb 6, 12:08am
Could be a very small (or a large) bulge in the tyre fabric, had it happen to me before.
Feb 6, 12:23am
If the 'weighting' or balance was out the steering wheel would have a tendency to shudder at higher speeds.Check all your pressures and for any abnormalities in the tyres,if they are all okay it could be your alignment is out.
Feb 6, 5:26pm
Run your hand over the tread, can you feel any feathering! is it the same as the other side!
Feb 6, 8:26pm
holdenboy--short answer YES -thats the most likely issue. I'd reccomend sooner rather than later to get it fixed -simple math--a good alighnment $60 tyres$100 plus each
Feb 6, 8:46pm
Firstly, thanks for the advice.I ventured to beaurepairs and the woman insisted I had a punctured front left tyre.This might be possible, considering this is the direction it drives towards, and that the pressure keeps dropping.
I think I may go to Tony's Tyre Service as they do it for free, where beaurepairs charge $30.Does this sound so logical!
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