Looked at a car tonight. Everything was great, except it had the check abs light on. What could this mean! It had enough break fluid. The breaks were replaced 2 months ago and the light has been on since then apparently. Whats the most expensive it will be to fix, worst case scenario. Or what could it be. Thanks
Feb 8, 2:36am
possibly worn pads, or damaged pad wear sensor.
As a more expensive option, it could be the ABS module, computer or any of the wheel sensors.
It may help to know what type of car it is.
Feb 8, 2:37am
What the car is would help.a lot!
Probably a damaged wheel speed sensor but a trip to someone with a diagnostic scanner will point you in the right direction.
Feb 8, 2:37am
Usually it's a sensor fault, but could be anything. ABS light can also come on if you lost traction at some point, like on gravel road for example, and if that's the case, it should clear after about 10 minutes of driving.
Feb 8, 2:38am
Feb 8, 2:48am
Sorry, its a V8 EL Fairmont 1995
Feb 8, 2:51am
Worse case senario could cost thousands if ECU, modulator problem.More likely a wheel speed sensor was damaged while the calipers were off for pad replacement.Might cost a couple of hundred to repair.First step is a diagnostic scan to at least get you in the right area.Good luck.
Feb 8, 3:08am
its been on since the brakes were worked on!
why the heck didnt you take it back to whoever did the brakes and ask why the heck the light is now on after they worked on it!
Feb 8, 3:11am
Its not my car! I am looking at purchasing it, but the abs light is on since HE had the brakes done.
Feb 8, 3:13am
tell them to get it checked before you buy it. id never buy a car that had a ABS/AIRBAG light on without knowing EXACTLY what the fault was and how much to fix.
OH and taking the bulb out of the warning light is NOT a fix.
Feb 8, 3:17am
Thanks for the advice guys, appreciated
Feb 8, 3:36am
if they have driven around with the ABS light on for two months without worrying about it, what else have they neglected! Oil change 20,000 kays overdue! coolant never replaced! that funny noise that went unfixed for 6 months! id pass on that car.
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