to get a hillman imp motor running 1973 everything complete
Feb 9, 3:36am
Any properly trained/competent mechanic could help you. You don't have to be of the era to fix an older car.
Feb 9, 3:37am
everyone we have asked wont touch it, thanks for all your help!
Feb 9, 3:42am
Not sure about that, you can't plug your scanner into these and have you done valve clearances on one of these, Don;t lose faith OP, someone will come along. What is happening with it and do you have any mechanical know how!
Feb 9, 3:45am
I'm sure there is someone in dunners. Will ask the old man (he is imp mad) and let you know
Feb 9, 3:48am
spark, fuel, compression. Thats your pre-start checklist. If it has all three of those set up roughly correct then it will start.
Feb 9, 3:52am
Maybe its just the hassal factor. If the donk is sitting in the car ready to be sorted thats a cinch.If its in bits or lying on the floor or it/vehicle needs to be hoisted up its more than most people can be bothered with.There may be other unknown issues to deal with also.he,he maybe some of the new lads are scared of the older technology,or the fact it's an Could you tow it to a garage!
Feb 9, 3:54am
If you can't nail the basics to get an engine like that running you should not be working on cars. Everything is so easy/basic.
Feb 9, 11:35pm
Don't forget that not all of us can be mechanic's, that is why he/she is asking for help. Who of us has struggled with the basics of a computer while others find it easy. I am a woodworker and have seen heaps of botch-up wood projects .We can't all be good at everything you know
Feb 9, 11:51pm
I think pollymay is referring to mechanics who don't want to deal with it
Feb 10, 12:55am
Oh those tappets, shim,s, me shudder,s at the memory,s.
Feb 10, 1:01am
Russel Tait,he lives in your area,very handy man.
Feb 10, 1:04am
remindsme when askedto do a tune up on one years ago ,remove spark plugs go to the drivers seat and turn key to start positiondo not push the soleniod button in enginecompartment, saves one from getting a washof water forced out the plug holesie another hillman imphead gasket another good product from Scotland
Feb 10, 1:12am
Yes . Maybe they could.
But it's a matter of them wanting to.
It's like saying every Panel Beater "could", cut away and weld several replacement sections in your vehicle's sheet-metal. But trying to get them to take the job on can be another story.
Feb 10, 1:55am
we are pretty handy ourselves have a 67 and 68 fastback impalas plus a 1930 chev roadster, we just want to package up the imp motor and hand it over to a mechanic to get the motor running good, so its all hassle free for us.thanks for all the information from everyone, appreciated.
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