Makes the car look more wanky then it already is. Do people think it makes it look bad ass!
Feb 12, 12:50am
Unfortunately, yes.
Feb 12, 12:52am
They've probably got their cap on sideways as well.
Feb 12, 12:54am
I thought it was the signal they were open to 'rear entry'.
Feb 12, 12:55am
dammit, changed to avoid another banning.
Feb 12, 12:56am
Oh, OK. But still, LOL!
Feb 12, 1:03am
thisstops the speed cameras getting a decent photo of your plate don't you know anything LOLsame as the cd dvd on your dashboard LOL
Feb 12, 1:33am
It the next best thing to a thousand percent power gain from a 'custom' CAI and a purple air filter from China.
Feb 12, 1:35am
its so cops cant read the plate properly. dumb but yeah
Feb 12, 2:10am
It was a popular thing to do a few years ago. Not cool enough now so I feel sorry for those who??
Feb 12, 2:10am
No. you've got it wrong. they haven't got their cap on sideways. they've got their ears tucked in!
Feb 12, 2:18am
Because they are fartleberries, that's why.
Feb 12, 2:20am
Why does that Pulsar have a shift light when it's a bloody auto!
Feb 12, 2:21am
No its not. It was a craze I think in america! That all the gangstas put there plate tilted.
Feb 12, 2:25am
The answer to the original posters question is simply that it??
Feb 12, 3:27am
It's to indicate that the driver is gay
Feb 12, 3:36am
Word lol.the scary thing is that they're starting to breed now.ah well like most kids they'll grow up and look back and go "wtf was I thinking"
Feb 12, 1:06pm
Now thats a wank machine, feel sorry for the next owner
Feb 12, 1:18pm
That is the perfect answer to about 90% of questions asked on these message boards.
Feb 12, 1:32pm
I thought origonally it was because one number plate scxrew fell out. Shheppers I've been going around with self tapping plate screwsfixing em up as a public service. the recessed ones wer particularly hardGuess the fibrglass guy had a night on the turps.-took a ball pein hammer to fix that booger up--gottit though.
Feb 12, 1:46pm
LOL, I'm that old and cynical I stopped asking years ago!
Feb 12, 1:48pm
For when you forget that it's an auto & start using the gear lever to change gears
Feb 12, 1:53pm
For the same reason they've had a tacho put in when it already has one! (I used to install these for people as well as alarms that were worth more than the car!) It's just for the "look" even though the owner can't see it's a POS.
Feb 12, 1:58pm
3 subs on the parcel tray! Are you kidding! They're not mounted properly, not even in an enclosure. Can't begin to think how bad that sounds! Oh look, the 600 watt amp isn't connected. That's useful.
As for caps on backwards, they've probably got their undies on backwards too.
Feb 12, 2:40pm
It's a gang sign.
It lets everyone know that you belong to the "Left -school -working -at - pak-n-save -rollin'- in- plenty -cash -from -finance -company" gang.
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