Whats The Deal With The New Import Charges?

roganstant, Feb 21, 1:31am
Something to do with emmission standards.Many older cars may not meet the standard so will not be allowed into the country.The price of 2005 or later cars should be no more expensive than what they are now.

aragorn2003, Feb 21, 1:36am
Thanks. What will happen to the prices for pre 2005 cars!

intrade, Feb 21, 1:37am
all cars have to be euro 4 since 01 january 2012 nothing that is below euro4 will be able to get compliance now. unless it was previously registered.

aragorn2003, Feb 21, 1:49am
thanks for that , whats that grade in terms of cars from Japan!

neo_psy, Feb 21, 1:55am
IIRC, "Grade" is the condition - from 1-5. I think a new car is 5.

aragorn2003, Feb 21, 2:10am
cool so a 3 or 4 or 5 is the same no matter where you import from!

bitsy_boffin, Feb 21, 3:19am
Euro 4 is the emissions standard.Read it essentially as, 2005 models and newer.