Battery light,351 cleavland

perry111, Mar 2, 4:12pm
hi, i have jus replaced the altinator on mi old ladys 1954 f100,she thought the alternator was buggered so went and got a brand new 1.i put it on correctlybut the battery light comes on when i start it! what causes this

gmphil, Mar 2, 7:32pm
Does it have fuseable link! This mayb blown

quickbuck, Mar 2, 8:20pm
Make sure your earth cable is properly earthed. Over time corrosion can get under it causing similar symptoms.

ceebee2, Mar 2, 10:30pm
Is the light on when key is on but engine NOT running!Does the lamp go out if you give it a quick rev! If so then the dash bulb wattage is incorrect.

supernova2, Mar 3, 3:08am
Was the problem there before you started the job!Why did she feel she needed a new one!