I have a fairly new battery (18mths) In my falcon and it keeps going flat! Ive just had an aftermarket car alarm and central locking taken out because of the problems i was having with themand since then it has gone dead flat twice. Once last night at 12.30 am when my son, his mates and my self were out eeling in the middle of nowhere. i got a jump start from a very friendly local and drove 40kms home. i just went out to start in again and its dead flat. But the green light, indicating that the battery is charged is on. BUGGERED IF I KNOW WHATS GOING ON!
Jan 16, 8:16pm
The first thing you need to determine is whether it is actually flat. Simply not cranking doesn't mean it is.
Jan 16, 8:26pm
Might pay to get a meter put on it to see if the alternator is charging right & not just charging enough to keep it going for short stints.
Jan 16, 8:26pm
i had a problem like that once and it wasn't the battery but dirty connections to the battery. terminals and earth(s) need to be spotlessly cleaned and sanded up.
if it's not the battery or bad connections then you may be leaking power when car is off - a job for auto sparky.
Jan 17, 3:18am
I had it on a charger for 5 hrs today, till 7pm, was fully charged. just went out then and its completely flat again!
Jan 17, 4:35am
Yeah, you're still not saying how you determined that it actually is flat.
Good luck - I can't be bothered with people that don't want to help themselves.
Jan 17, 4:59am
What a tool!
Jan 17, 5:40am
Ok, how would i do that!
Jan 17, 12:23pm
How do you know its fully charged !
Those poxy little chargersyou can buy from Repco and Supercheap are useless they dont charge todays modern batteries.
Could be anything from loose fan belt.Dirty terminals, bad engine earth.glove box light. Alternator not actually charging.And of course a stuffed battery. How are you testing these things !
Jan 17, 12:54pm
easier to go into your local sparky and they will check the charge rate and test the battery. Most do it for nothing. If it is drawing off the battery, they can fix it.
Jan 17, 2:31pm
off to sparky now
Jan 18, 4:47am
Ok. its the battery. apparently the old battery chargers are not that goo at recharging the new batteries. problem solved, Ta everyone, Im off for a cruise in the 'coon!
Jan 18, 4:48am
You wre right alan1111111! Cheers mate
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