It worked to get a battery that has been sitting around for years up to being able to crank the broken car on the lawn so I can move it. A cheap solar charger from bunnings keeps it full. Before treatment that battery wouldnt even get enough charge to make the dome light any more than a dull orange. Is the battery anywhere near as good as when new! Hell, I dont know, but the engine will start which is well worth the money spend on the bottle.
Dec 29, 1:33am
approx 3 years sitting flat, is it Shagged or does it just need a charge! I don't have a charger or use for it so wondering if I should sell it or dump it or keep it until my car's current battery dies! I could join it by jumper cable it to a running car and then test the volts.
Dec 29, 1:34am
it will most likely be stuffed
Dec 29, 1:41am
Congrats, you are the proud owner of a zero volt door stop or paper weight.
Dec 29, 3:03am
Silly you daryl14, would have been easy enough to just take the thing to a battery shop or auto electrician place and have it checked/charged way before waste if you ask me!
Dec 29, 3:13am
yup, its buggered
Dec 29, 2:21pm
i've got a battery at the mo - 3 yrs and only 850kms travelled = battery stuffed!
Dec 29, 4:50pm
You cant just leave a battery, it needs to be constantly charged
Dec 29, 5:26pm
Bit like a wife.
Dec 29, 5:26pm
Scrap it
Dec 29, 5:30pm
Dec 29, 5:36pm
Sounds like a seldom used car/bike,I use a maintainance charger at least one a month inbetween start ups/drives on my two Vauxhalls and Mitsubishi Sigma .Batteries would only last around 12 months,now I have two batteries up around the six year mark.
Dec 29, 9:09pm
good advice i will take from now on thanks. (my lazyness cost me)
Dec 29, 9:12pm
more like BURNT toast.
Dec 29, 9:33pm
id try charging it
for the 4 cents of electricity out of the wall its worth a shot
Dec 29, 10:04pm
Re acid as well.
Dec 30, 5:24am
if you leave a lead acid battery flat for about 2 weeks it will sulphate up (insulation will be coated over its electrode plates)and normally not recoverable. After every use of a lead acid charge it up to peak volts. They are not Nicads and do not like being discharged. if you have a spare battery you need a charger and a voltmeter/multimeter to measure peak volts.
Dec 30, 5:55am
Inox battery reconditioner works to dissolve the build up on the plates but if the lead plates have been eaten into it could be beyond repair.
For the $10 it is for a bottle of the stuff it is well worth it, just put 15mL in each cell and leave on charger. The stuff takes a couple weeks to do its job I found.
The first battery I tried it on was a 600CCA diesel one which you could leave on the charger for a week then it wouldnt have enough to start a small petrol. Used the INOX reconditioner and charged it a couple days. Hardly any improvement so thought it was stuffed. It sat a couple weeks off the charger then I put it back on for a couple days and it is good as gold now, plenty of grunt. I put some in another battery I have there today so in a couple weeks I am hoping that will be usable too.
It will dissolve the build up but if the plates are gone there is nothing that will save it.
Dec 30, 2:33pm
Awesome suggestions, I will try some of them. I never paid for the thing, I aquired it after getting a replacement under warranty years ago. it's just sat in back of the shed since. I guess I've just had a good run with the ones currently in the cars too. Cheers men.
Jul 25, 11:16am
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