Running a smaller oil filter on a big engine

rscozzie, Mar 4, 2:03am
is it ok to run a smaller oil filter about half the size of the correct one on a big block olds 455, changed due to headers hitting oil filter, just want to know if it is safe

jsbike, Mar 4, 2:04am
why not run an a remote oil filter! then you can have as big as you want.

rscozzie, Mar 4, 2:05am
might hav to if this isnt going to work

treachug, Mar 4, 2:27am
As long as the fileter was correct thread & seal area & has same specs eg anti drain valve etc (if original had it) will be fine.
With todays technology, smaller size filters are fine. The major filter companies dont scrimp on specs like micon spec etc. As an example common Holden 6 cyl get better faster startup oil pressure & the shorter filter will still filter same amount of oil etc if the large filter is replaced with the later smaller filter.

smac, Mar 4, 2:30am
Need to check flow rate of smaller filter, otherwise it could be a pressure bottleneck. I'd be changing it more often. Actually no I wouldn't, I'd fit a remote.

clanky, Mar 4, 2:33am
Ahem.get the BIGGEST filter you can, not the smallest, unless you want to either change it every month or rebuild the engine every 3 months. A small filter will clog up much quicker and then the relief valve will lift or it will collapse the element and all the c##p from the sump will find its way to your bearings.not good. IMHO.