Locating fuel filter in 2001 Nissan Maxima

kmsmith, Mar 25, 12:04am
Hi, I am trying to locate where the fuel filter is situated on a 2001 Nissan Maxima. If anybody can help it would be much appreciated.

henderson_guy, Mar 25, 12:25am
Most likely in the tank.

therafter1, Mar 25, 12:27am
Start at the tank end and work forward . quite probably at the tank end.

henderson_guy, Mar 25, 12:29am

daryl14, Mar 25, 2:54am
And not classed as a replacable part by Nissan.

panicky, Mar 25, 3:32am
ryco do some of these, model specific i.e Z657

guest, Sep 25, 10:47am
Couple things would incseare oil pressure reading.1) Temperature if the outside temperature is colder than usual, you will see a higher oil pressure until the engine warms the oil. The oil becomes thicker when exposed to colder temps.2) The oil that was in the engine before you had it changed had an excessive amount of miles on it and the new oil does not.3) the New oil was a thicker weight of oil than was previously in the engine.4) The oil pressure sending unit is starting to fail. No matter the cause, Higher oil pressure will not Damage the internal components of the engine. A low oil pressure reading would be when to start worrying.

guest, Sep 26, 12:14pm
dave hJune 28, 2010i have found that the most common cause of this code is a weak o2 seosnr in the exhaust if you have not replaced this i would put a new one in they are in my opinion a maintenance item like spark plug look up near the manifold it kind of looks like a spark plug with a wire harness coming out of it.change this clear the code and see if it cures the problem if not you might have to take it to a garage to have it diagnosed good luck

guest, Sep 28, 9:43am
Son of a gun, this is so heulfpl!