Nissan maxima blinkers not going at all

delshamic, Jul 25, 7:13am
Hi Guys. When wiring my trailer I created a short in blinker lineand now blinkers dont go.
Fixed the short but still no blink. on car or trailer.disconnected trailer still no blink.
Would this be a fuse or the blinker module?in car to fix?
If fuse which one as dont want to pull them all
If module in your oponion down to sparky I go
Thanks guys

franc123, Jul 25, 7:39am
Does your fuse box cover not have a diagram explaining what does what?

toyboy3, Jul 25, 7:49am
Do the hazard lights work?

delshamic, Jul 25, 7:59am
thanks franc. yes its blown third from bottom in middle. I took the cover off and didnt look on the inside of cover and put it down outside up. wont ever do that again. dah cheers
thanks toyboy too

delshamic, Jul 25, 8:09am
all good now. blink blink

snork28, Jul 25, 11:59am

whynot47, Nov 12, 12:44pm
really helpful snork. thanks