This is just wrong! assulting kids etc

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skin1235, Mar 27, 4:38am
but there was, verbal requests to not use that area while items were being run, they were not excluded fi no item was in current run but asked to vacate that samall area for the few minutes it would take
don't know about you but if my kid came home with a complaint and or a vid of that incident he'd have got a lot worse from me

skin1235, Mar 27, 4:41am
what IS stupid is you defending the kids who decided to ignore requests, they saw armwaving as a challenge and played him for all it was worth, one got shoved over, boohoo, bet there weren't many willing to try him after that
until limpwrist steps up, then of course they were ALL abused, bleeding hearts crawl out to call it abuse and complain they didn't have guard fences and tapes all over the place

skin1235, Mar 27, 4:44am
you have an issue with that!

those kids were displaying appalling respect and deliberate disobedience

note I said if MY kid, - he'd have got a sharp reminder that he should not behave in that manner, in private or public places

hijacka, Mar 27, 4:49am
I can't believe this! WTF does this have to do with motoring!

pnh4, Mar 27, 4:51am
Just watched the news on this turkey & he'll be gobbled up for sure, he should be charged for assault.

outbidyou2, Mar 27, 5:30am
haha, he probably already gobbles

sr2, Mar 27, 5:56am
+1, I'm with you that one mate.

whqqsh, Mar 27, 11:28am
easily fixed!

ninja_man, Mar 27, 1:07pm
+1. assault is assault. Doesnt matter what the kids were doing, pushing him to the ground was not the right thing to do. But the pom dude doesnt want to press charges so i think the bald tool will be let off.

hairytitties, Mar 27, 2:44pm
i think yur record player is broken. it keeps playing the same track ova and ova.

hairytitties, Mar 27, 2:48pm
how long can we be a member for befor this stupid new sign thing goes away. does anyone know!

smac, Mar 27, 2:52pm
Forever, if you don't participate in what this site is set up for.

bellky, Mar 29, 2:14pm
Mr Craig Platt was arrested yesterday and charged with assault. Good job.