This is just wrong! assulting kids etc

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hairytitties, Mar 26, 10:27pm
i was hoping one of you might come up with the obvious.
The idiot wants a good beat down. He's lucky it wasnt my kid he did that too. I would be arond knocking on his door that night and I sure wouldnt be there to talk. He needs a serving.
Common sense part!if the clown wasnt out for trouble, why didnt he and the organisers just do the logical thing and run some tape to tape off the area that was in use for the comp.Instead it was like they were inviting the kids to come and use it just so he could show how tough he was pushing a kid around.
It was assault and the police will charge him. He's lucky to be getting off so lightly.

hairytitties, Mar 26, 10:27pm
i was hoping one of you might come up with the obvious.
The idiot wants a good beat down. He's lucky it wasnt my kid he did that too. I would be arond knocking on his door that night and I sure wouldnt be there to talk. He needs a serving.
Common sense part!if the clown wasnt out for trouble, why didnt he and the organisers just do the logical thing and run some tape to tape off the area that was in use for the comp.Instead it was like they were baiting the kids to come and in just so he could show how tough he was pushing a little kid around.
It was assault and the police will charge him. He's lucky to be getting off so lightly.

bellky, Mar 26, 10:30pm
I doubt this.

hairytitties, Mar 26, 10:32pm
yes but I doubt everything about you.

woody1946, Mar 26, 10:35pm
Huh. all this thread has done is bring newbies into the motoring section with all their PC ideas

In the days before message boards--Facebook--Phones with camera's, cheeky little snots got a kick up the backside and it never even made the local news,

lookoutas, Mar 27, 12:00am
By the sounds of it, there was a lot more carry-on prior to what we've all seen, and the guy shouldn't have lost his cool.

When I was a young fulla, and if I'd been doing something like that - that guy would've grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, and booted my arse.
I would never consider running home to tell the old-man, otherwise I would've got another boot up the arse.
Ditto for getting the strap or cane at school.

whqqsh, Mar 27, 12:05am
Agree, annoying that so many zero-trades & dunce-hats have appeared to only comment on this item. I dont normally, but am happy to vote this POS lefty infested thread off & get back to our petrolhead ways

yeahm8, Mar 27, 12:13am
With all the other forums and you gotta bring this crap in here, geeze you lot should just get a life and take your lynchmob mentality somewhere else.bloody drop kicks!

hairytitties, Mar 27, 12:17am
used to be a man would stand up for his kids. Looks like they just crap themselves and look the other way now days. what a bunch of soft ****ks

yeahm8, Mar 27, 12:23am
yep, voted.

zephyrheaven, Mar 27, 12:40am
Take control of your kids then

punkboy, Mar 27, 12:46am
piss off hairytits go cry elsewhere

hairytitties, Mar 27, 2:08am
aww wats the matter Mary. Upset you did i!

grangies, Mar 27, 2:29am
Yeah right.

It could very well be you coming out with a blood nose.

skin1235, Mar 27, 2:40am
and what would you do to the guy who set that kid up to take a shunt, or is he in the clear cos all he did was tell the kid to ignore the temp rules in place for the event and the security guys requests that non participants in the event to stay out of the event area

nah the prima donna wanted a scene, and used an innocent kid to get his wish, the bald guy had already been primed a few steps and the prima donna pushed it that extra bit - if there is a purp and a victim here then at least hang the label on the right purp - the skinny wee pom with the cellphone and his willingness to use a kid so he could get his 30 sec's of fame

h2oldragon, Mar 27, 3:00am
Skin I agree 100% with your comment.The non competitors were asked not just once but many times to stay clear of the ramp whilst competition was on.The group of young adults chose to completely ignore the request and were verbally abusing organisers. All of that was off camera. also off camera was the competitors in the event seconds before and a minute after this snapshot who were using that jump.
Again I agree the guy shouldn't have grabbed the young adult but I can totally relate to the utter frustration trying to keep kids safe with idiots like this refusing to let them compete in a safe enviroment
Was it a setup! Yep

outbidyou2, Mar 27, 3:27am
I think that it was an extremely aggressive shove fuelled by anger. He could have knocked him off his board with far less effort and still got his point across. Kids these days still need an attitude adjustment dispite what the law says, just as most of us did.This was a little too far however.

hairytitties, Mar 27, 4:16am
Fail! the skinny we pom didnt arrive on the scene till two hours later. Wanna try again.

skin1235, Mar 27, 4:27am
lol, saaa what, he came after the fact, saw a vid, climbed off his bike, and spent the next 20 minutes abusing all and sundry complete with half a dozen utterances of how HE'D BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN GETTING THE SKATE PARK BUILT - like that means f**kall
primadonna cumlate - it gets even better
wanna try again

see if you can paint a better picture than the one that is forming re the wee pommy limpwrist and yourself

hairytitties, Mar 27, 4:28am
why didnt security tape off the area they wanted to keep safe and seperate. coz they friggen idjits thats why.

skin1235, Mar 27, 4:29am
or better still why even have an event - you know idjuts are going to try to stuff it up
oh yeah thats right, you're actually allowed to hold events, security tape isn't a good look

hairytitties, Mar 27, 4:30am
another fail. on close up afterwards he said he got there a couple of hours after the incident. He watched the incident on a cellphone. He wasnt even there at the time. U got your facts wrong buddy.

hairytitties, Mar 27, 4:32am
how are people supposed to know boudaries if there are none. Only a total fool would be trying to block off certain areas by holding their arms out and swearing at people. They failed their jobs miserably.

skin1235, Mar 27, 4:33am
a simple request to abstain from using the event area while items in the event where being run should have been suffice
or don't you allow kids to be taught respect for other peoples time effort and enjoyment, you want to put up tapes and fences to exclude all the undesirables

hairytitties, Mar 27, 4:37am
what a rediculous post. \
therewere kids all over the place. Whats easier, trying to spend the whole event running around like a chook with its head cut off screaming and shouting at all the kids, waving your arms in the air like a right plonker, or putting a piece of tape up. whats the point of telling one kid if there are different kids coming through all the time. Its stupid.