Advice Needed --Buying a Car

woody1946, Mar 26, 2:48am
Hi , just wanting to know which car will hold its value the most

grangies, Mar 26, 2:50am
None as much as the bid old house.

alimac1, Mar 26, 2:57am
Unless it's in Chch. In which case it's probably fallen down by now.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 26, 2:16pm
Some boy racer has gone and put V8 wheels and a silly bumper kit on the Model A. probably been thrashed along at 65 MPH everywhere too.

Youth of yesterday, will they every learn!

tgray, Mar 26, 2:37pm
Love the way the 2 guys are 'mirroring' each other. Pretty nice house beside the car yard, all those years ago.