Mitsubishi oil

bloodster, Mar 26, 3:57am
can anyone tell me what motor oil to put into a mitsubish legnum gdi 1998. done 180,000kms.

phillip.weston, Mar 26, 4:01am
15W40, 10W40 or even 20W50 if you find it's burning oil (which most 2.4 GDIs seem to do).

mugenb20b, Mar 26, 4:01am
10w-30 or 10w-40.

bloodster, Mar 26, 4:06am
thankyou but now im more confused. sorry, lol.
im a girl and dont know much about these things.

jmma, Mar 26, 4:20am
Oil is usually in a plastic container marked OIL, find one that has 10w40 written on it and away you go, Easy aye (o:

bloodster, Mar 26, 4:28am
haha, thanks. as long as its the right number.

n3d4sp3d, Mar 27, 12:35am
I work at mitsi dealer we use 15/40 diesel oil it shuts them up and stops them burning it