Listen to the speed of the knocking sound if its at engine/crank speed its from the reciprocating mass half engine/crank speed its valve train related, Coil packs could be failing and giving you a miss
Jan 1, 4:38pm
ok really strange started car today and no knocking! wtf lol that must be a good thing right! took for a quiet drive round the block drove good once warmed up tho it started running on what felt like 3 and then def on the way back 2 cyl, think i will replace leads and coils . its makeing around 300hp would some black 7mm leads just be fine or do i need those 9mm silicone lead that everyone seems to put on them
Dec 26, 1:22am
my evo 1 the other day was driving fine the all of a sudden it started bogging down as if it was only running on two cylinders. I stop pull over the car revs fine so i drive off car is now ok , 1 minute later it feels as if it is bogging again sounding like its only fireing on 2 cylinders, i pull up at home and now ever since i can hear tap tap tap kind of close around the intake .- its not the lifters because its almost a knock but has a tap to it. can anyone help me ! whats wrong with it.
Dec 26, 5:11am
park it till the garages open up or get a mobile mecanic out to have a look ,could be a variety of things really from a dicky distributar cap to electronics or mecanical pistons rings maybe , after all its a mitsi , hope u got plenty v savings could be expensive or could be cheap a check by a qualified expert s required really
Dec 26, 6:24am
problem is its a evo
Dec 26, 12:23pm
Yea best get AA or mechanic or someone that can do a few tests, compression/cam. good luck.
Dec 26, 2:23pm
Does it also hesitate/miss randomly! If so, could indicate high tension lead or spark plug. That will make it run on 2 or 3 cylinders too.
Dec 26, 4:33pm
Faulty airflow sensor and all sorts of potential probs.
Dec 28, 12:43am
Airflow sensor wouldnt explain the tap/knock tho! and ok so its only sometimes the car bogs down running on two! cant be airflow sensor for that otherwise it would be running like that 98% of the time.
Dec 28, 11:29pm
bogging down and running on 2 cylinders are too very different descriptions. The noise sounds serios to me even though I cant actually here it. How are you getting on with that.
Aug 2, 9:00am
sorry it more that sometimes it runs on 2 and sometimes on 4. it can start running on 2 usualy when underload but may pop back on four if your lucky. the tap which is only when cold is just a single sounding tap not multiple it sounds like just one thing taping against something kind of near the intake. i took the oil cap off and couldnt hear the tap get louder just the burrrrr of the engine running. altho tap taps faster with the revs until warm. honestly doesnt sound like lifters ither. could be a coil as 4g63 only uses 2 coils so if one packs up it will only run on 2- still doesnt explain my new found tap/knock.
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