Whats the worst bit of driving you have ever seen?

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eddiedean, Mar 20, 5:55pm
I live in Canterbury so i see the worlds worst driving every other day but what have you guys seen!

Any shockers!

hyphen, Mar 20, 5:59pm
I was overtaken on the left as I headed along River Rd in Hamilton, 50 kph area just south of Fairfield bridge!

eddiedean, Mar 20, 6:05pm
on the left! thats terrible. some people get behind a car and think they are invincible, and they are people of all ages too

fiatracer, Mar 20, 7:18pm
I'm assuming you weren't hugging the centre line, with RH indicator left on.

johnf_456, Mar 20, 7:46pm
Its a everday thing on auckland roads, the worst today would be a fool failing to give way changing lanes causing me to drop to 60k on the motorway. Then you get the cyclist red light runners, not indicating, tail gating, abuse for tooting the horn to tell them a potential collision is heading their way from them pulling out.

incar., Mar 20, 8:05pm
+1 if only i had a video camera rolling all day!

jeffqv, Mar 20, 8:14pm
add in indicating after the event, leaving the arse of the car in the left hand part of the road when turning right so effectively blocking it, oh and the idiot doing 80 km in the outside lane whilst on the phone.

kevin_the_kiwi, Mar 20, 8:22pm
Just last week some guy in a home direct van decided to change lanes halfway through, the two lane roundabout on Te Rapa Straight, without indicating and directly in front of me, slammed on the brakes and sledged into the curb.

eddiedean, Mar 20, 8:25pm
yeah those blind lane changes suck. they are so dangerous

desmodave, Mar 20, 8:25pm
They cant have been keeping left if there was room to pass on the left.Did they know a motorist was even behind them.

rallec, Mar 20, 8:28pm
I'm pretty sure some cyclist in Christchurch did that a while ago, and gave all footage to the police.Apparently they followed up on everythingillegal on the tape, so it could be worth doing if you want.If nothing else it'll help back up your case in any insurance claims :P

smac, Mar 20, 8:31pm
Surely some of the truckies on here are using them.would be interesting to get some feedback on how the cheapies perform if anyone is using one. They seem to start from about $60-70.

socram, Mar 20, 8:31pm
Unfortunately, not the worst I have ever seen, but those who steadfastly do not keep left except when overtaking, on two and three lane motorways/expressways, especially those who move into the right two lanes as soon as they join the road, even when lane 1 ahead is totally empty.

Worst would be the idiot behind me who was swerving all over the road that was under repair, north of Wenderholme a few years ago, southbound.He then swerved all over the road once back on tar seal, and overtook the traffic ahead, on a downhill two lane stretch, crossing over into the opposing northbound traffic's lane - on a bend.

Dobbed him in after stopping to make a (landline) phone call and the police stopped him a few kms down the road and successfully prosecuted him.

stevel_knievel, Mar 20, 8:41pm
Lady pulling into a carpark hits the car on the left hand side of the carpark. She then panicked, put the car in reverse and planted her foot, shot across and hit the car behind her. As if that wasn't bad enough, she then jams the car into drive and shoots accross the carpark, wiping out the car on the right hand side of the carpark she was trying to pull into. Three cars (four inculding hers) wiped out in less than 10 seconds.

the-lada-dude, Mar 20, 8:52pm
blonde !

ema1, Mar 20, 8:59pm
Regularly get over taken in the Kawarau Gorge between Cromwell & QueenstownON DOUBLE YELLOW lined areas of road for gods sake.
I have seen a good number get pulled over and booked there too, serves them right, got absolutly no sympathy either, mad buggers.
The cops blitz that road frequently, and folks still don't take heed !
An other occasions on one or two places on tight double yellow marked corners on the same roadnear Roaring Meg area.I've actually seen vehicles go over the wrong side of said blind corners, bloody madness really.
Photo's from a camera stationed were the problem areas are were actually "splashed" all over the local news papers and that evidence was used in court proceedings as well. again serves the mad buggers right.
It's a "no tomorrow mentality" to speed through there and one thing they are forgetting if they do come unstuck in various places is the fact that when you go over the bank there's 'B' all stopping you ending up being another to add to the numerous statistics = drowning in the Kawarau River.
It's a mighty swift/ cold piece of water that roars on through that gorge!
Winter conditions trap plenty of the unwary plain 'B' stupid types through there, funny it's not just limited to hoons with tricked up cars but also "flash harry's "in their "F" offBMW's, Audis and so on getting caught out.
A high % of winter crashes actually involve 4WD drivers particularly with ski racks loaded up with skis and other stuff raising their centre of gravity, but oh no slow down they surely don't in icey and deeply gritted sections of that road.
I draw the conclusion that some skiers drive like they ski .out of control.
Also with the "Got to be there before the other fella's do or before the snow melts". I loathe going through there in icey winter conditions but have no choice really but I make damn sure of getting to the other end even if it takes 30mins to an hour or more longer to do so in my truck, I prefer to die of old age myself.and go by the adage " You're a long time dead so whats the hurry !"

stevel_knievel, Mar 20, 9:04pm
Not to promote stereotypes, but she was Asian.

johnf_456, Mar 20, 9:19pm
Indeed, its also on my to do list.

ema1, Mar 20, 9:27pm
Another weird onewell damn dangerous episode really I experienced once about 10 years agoalso in the Kawarau Gorge was .I saw this Mini Bus full of passengers coming down quite a gradient straddling the centre line and heading towards me, heading in Cromwell direction.
I was in a 10 ton truck heading towards Queenstown and I literally had no where to go but this small strip of gravel road edge and how we didn't connect is beyond me!
I was flashing my head lamps and blowing my air horns, bugger me he didn't flinch.reason all the passengers were over one side of the mini bus with digi cameras snapping photo's and damn it all here's the driver looking to his right with a camera also.
I parked on the road edge for a few minutes literally shaking like a leaf, heck that was the nearest run thing I ever experienced.
Guess what .they were all Asians.
Not biased against them at all but certainly they had a death wish that day, and I don't even think they flinched as I saw the mini bus still straddling the centre line in my rear view mirrors they would have been 100 meters beyond where they passed me ., go figure!

peacebird15, Mar 20, 9:40pm
I had the same lady in a prado hit my truck 3 times (she was trying to park, and I am standing there enjoying the show). The first was just a touch, the second was light breaking cruch. Then she got REALLY flustered, gave up on trying to park it and decided to just run away from the situation, but forgot she was still in reverse. Floored it, Hit the truck so hard she broke her rear window and buckled the whole rear end. ny glove box lost its contents over the floor.
I was literally on the ground laughing. My truck had been set up for forestry, I brushed the broken plastic off it and chipped off some of her paint.

tgray, Mar 20, 10:24pm
A truck and trailer tailgating me at 100k, up north on SHW1 at night in the pouring rain.
It was so close, I could not see the front bumper to get license plate and I couldn't pull over to get out of the way, and was too dangerous for me to go any faster on the sweeping bends. He must have been no more than 2 metres from my car.
To this day, I have no idea why the maniac was driving like that.

trogedon, Mar 20, 10:51pm
Years ago my wife and I were driving from Whangaparaoa to Albany on a wet Sunday afternoon. We were in a long line of traffic. A woman behind us in a Laser or 323 was passing traffic towards us. She was passing into oncoming vehicles. They were having to pull off the road to avoid her. She got a couple of cars past us, clipped the car she was attempting to get in front of, her car spun around, clipping the car again and then her car hit an oncoming car. Our whole row of cars had stopped by this stage.
I got out, walked up to her, she was saying something about being late for work. I said words to the effect of ???That??

bashfulbro, Mar 20, 11:06pm
Another every day thing i see on Auckland roads, especially the Motorways, isidiots in cars, tail gaiting ,traveling too close to the vehicle in front and, not leaving sufficient room for a vehicle to overtake and pull back in .
Then tooting and shakingfists at cars that do pull back in front as though it`s their fault.

johnf_456, Mar 20, 11:26pm
If you are over taking someone or entering some elses lane you giveway end of story. It is their fault, changing lanes does not give you right of entry to the lane beside you. Giveway! Its called finding a suitable gap and pulling in not forcing your way in with a sledge hammer.

jeffqv, Mar 20, 11:28pm
Have you ever seen Duel! The first Steven Spielburg movie.