Cambelt change - motor now rattly when warm?

karlp2, Apr 8, 3:26pm
Mechanic changed cambelt, beforehand motor was rattle free, now has a constant rattle when warm, yet is perfectly smooth with no rattles when cold.Took it back and he's trying to tell me he can't hear it!What might be wrong and if he's not looking to put it right what should my next step be!It's an 07' mitsi wagon, 2.4ltr, just clicked over 100ks

intrade, Apr 8, 4:17pm
dont know rattle can be hydraulic valves if it has these. You need to know what exact engine you have fitted. 2.4telling here that it is a wagon is about as mutch use as if you where to say its a blue one but it looks black now couse you drove it thru mud.

budgel, Apr 8, 4:40pm
It is hard to see how a cambelt change would cause a rattle if the car is running properly in all other respects.

Did you get an oilchange at the same time!

Take it to another workshop and ask their opinion on the rattle, cost to repair etc.
Is the mechanic a member of the MTA!

phillip.weston, Apr 8, 5:04pm
would be a Lancer with the 4G69 MIVEC engine. I would definitely find out what that rattle could be. it could be a loose tensioner, bolt or crank pulley etc not tightened up properly.

the-lada-dude, Apr 8, 5:10pm
lots of mitsi'shave a gas/hydraulic cambelt tensionerusually these are prearmed with a safety pin and are replaced @ belt change
some times people have ago at squishing the tensioner back together in a vise and putting the safety pin back in and trying to reuse the tensioner & that can be a no goer, motor ends up being rattly !

intrade, Apr 8, 5:23pm
you have to wind them tensioners while you squezeem i had to rearm a new tensioner once as the belt was 1 tooth out . reusing old tensioner is a bad idea however.

karlp2, Apr 8, 5:26pm
Engine model is a 4G69

carmedic, Apr 8, 6:19pm
What else was done at the same time!
Oil change!
Is this noise accompanied by vibration!
Did they do the balance belt at the same time!
If so did they keep it all lined up correctly!

thunderbolt, Apr 8, 6:21pm
Good point raised above.Was the hydraulic tensioner re-used or replaced!

phillip.weston, Apr 8, 6:58pm
just to be pedantic. it's not a hydraulic tensioner - that's more what a chain driven engine would use and would be getting a constant oil feed from the oil pump/gallery system to constantly apply pressure to the chain depending on oil pressure of the engine. The mitsis use an 'auto tensioner' which is a cylinder of pressurised silicone fluid which applies a constant force against the timing belt tensioner arm. It is generally a good idea to replace them if the pushrod has been allowed to extend to its maximum position, more so if the unit is quite old as that will lead to leakage from the seals when the pushrod is pushed right back in again.

the-lada-dude, Apr 8, 9:48pm
thats okp.w. next one i get i'm going to cut in 1/2 i suspect it is sprung loaded with the addition of silicon fluid as a damping medium !
yeah so if the silicon disappears it will be jumping all over the place.

phillip.weston, Apr 8, 10:35pm
yeah it perhaps has a spring in it too, just I've come across many which have no force on the pushrod and usually have obvious leaks from the seal at the top or the bottom of the casing where the cap is pressed in.

panicky, Apr 9, 1:38am
They are more like a shock absorber

gmphil, Apr 10, 8:01pm
my brother done his subaru same thing happened jumped a tooth cos tryed reusing tensioner so he drill hole in it and used bolt to tension it lol

carmedic, Apr 10, 8:16pm
& you admit a genetic connection to this person!