Engine stall on sharp left-hand curve

davidgb, Apr 10, 4:01pm
Hello everyone. Any idea on what could cause a car to stall when going through a left-hand curve like motorway exit!Car is honda odyssey 1999.

gmphil, Apr 10, 4:02pm
Not enough gas!

davidgb, Apr 10, 4:06pm
Just below the half full marker. I do notice that in doesn't stall when full. Could it be the fuel pump!

gmphil, Apr 10, 4:21pm
When was fuel filter last changed !

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 10, 5:02pm
I'd go with insufficient petrol too. Given it only happens turning left check to see if the fuel pump is on the left side of the tank. If so, given it only happens when the tank is below a certain level, I'd go with a blockage in the swirlpot.

davidgb, Apr 10, 5:34pm
Thanks for replies. Will have a look at fuel pump and filter this PM.

rbjz, Apr 10, 6:41pm
Could be more simple, is your battery secure!

pete_iam, Apr 10, 9:18pm
doubt its petrol. engine dont stall instantly when its a fuel issue when taking a sharp corner

n1smo_gtir, Apr 10, 9:46pm
yes, more likely loose battery terminals.but when the car is running, the battery does nothing other than getting charged up by the alternator which also supplies all the power to the car while engine is running. could also be a loose connection on the plug going to the ECU or loose connector or dirty connection on the plugs connected to fuel injectors, high tension lead or distributer. does it stall when taking hard right turns also!