Is it true that diesle vehicles cost more to fix than a petrol vehicle please! and if so why is that! Cheers
Apr 19, 1:00am
yea diesel will cost you loads more if you dont service it and let it brake. you also have to run a additive in diesel as part of the maintainace . so long answer will be yes it will cost you more overall.
Apr 19, 1:01am
cheers intrade so I will stick with Petrol :-)
Apr 19, 1:02am
What vehicles are you comparing, there is a lot more involved than just a repair cost
Apr 19, 1:02am
This will get interesting.
Apr 19, 1:03am
that would have been my next question.
Apr 19, 1:05am
Yes. And storks deliver babies, the tooth fairy is real and if you don't go to bed early you won't get any presents at Christmas.
Are you even asking about cars! Or are you comparing say, Tanks for an army or boats for a shipping company!
Apr 19, 1:18am
Yes/no depends on vehicle/application. For a Kenworth I would say yes.
Apr 19, 2:11am
"Freeze, step away from the keyboard, keep your hands where we can see them. Arms all the way in these long sleeves please Mr. Fox, there we go just 8 more buckles and we are finished. Thank you orderly, you can take Mr. Fox back to his padded cell now. How the heck did he get out!"
Apr 19, 2:21am
Go back to the retirement village retard.
Apr 19, 2:27am
How many times do you need to be told!
"Never enter a battle of wits unarmed!"
Apr 19, 2:47am
ummmmmmm no name calling little kids read this forum. We do need to know what car for example A toyota corolla 1.8 petrol or the same car as d4d diesel. in this instant the diesel will cost you loads more money then the petrol for servicing cost , that is one example . there is other cars where it looks different , but new Diesel servicing on time every time and servicing correctly is a must or its big repair bills real fast.
Apr 19, 2:48am
1996 called, they want their saying back.
Apr 19, 3:09am
well we have a diesel camry with a 3ct turbo motor that does 600km's a week for 9 months of the year and has done for the last 4 years, its has an oil and filter change every 10000 km's, had two new air filters and on the second timing belt, no aditive in the diesel and no leaking pump, the cooling system is also flushed every year, its called maintance my wife drives it to her work, i have a D21 navara dieselthat is never maintained and spends most of its life off road carrying hugh loads i have owned it for 7 years and have never had to do any motor or gearbox work, have done brakes and bushes ect but other wise just go out and use it i also have two ford tractors, an ex120 digger and a btd6 bulldozer all diesel powered, they are maintained and also have given me no problems. for every horror story about a diesel im sure if you looked you would find one about a petrol and you heve to compare apples with apples i mean a petrol starlet will be cheaper to run than a diesel surf. i like diesels and will never buy a petrol car again, but that is personal choice
Apr 19, 3:15am
How long have you been hearing voices from before you were born!
Apr 19, 4:21am
Your a nut
Apr 19, 5:50am
You should have paid attention at school. "Your" is a word used to indicate possession (eg: your nut is empty) You can shorten "you are" into one word like this "you're" (eg: you're poorly educated).
Apr 19, 5:53am
ONYA! me toohave a corolla dx 2c diesel and the blardy diesel it uses ! may as well run it on a snif lol and had for 3 yrs and NO probs at all. as you say cmes dwn to the servicing and will NEVER get a petrol again. true its underpowered on the hills but as i see suckers passing me i know that for 50 buk i can do over 6 hundy kms lol
Apr 19, 3:48pm
the 3c turbo mated to a manual gearbox is a beaut wee motor that eats hills and is cheaper to run than the old 2c, we had a corolla before the camry, sold it to my sister and its still going strong
Apr 19, 4:05pm
4d56 diesel ute cheap to run,filter are cheap set of pistons and rings $200 That is not a lot of money
Apr 19, 4:28pm
Diesel has always worked out cheaper for me.
In small petrol efficient vehicles you are better off with petrol. Otherwise get a diesel.
Unlike intrade I don't actively market diesel additives.
Like most diesel users I just put diesel in my tank
Apr 19, 6:58pm
So what do you put in the tank now the sulphur has gone to lubricate pump seals etc mmm
Apr 19, 7:06pm
I don't think that's the case anymore.
In an age where some diesel engines will average under 4lts/100kms only the most ruthlessly efficient, tiny engined, ultra modern petrol cars can beat the $ per km equation - even with road user charges factored in.
Apr 19, 7:18pm
It depends entirely on the price point etc. You also have to factor in any difference in purchase price, depreciation and servicing.
With older cheaper small cars like the Corolla mentioned above petrol is usually the cheaper options. For example my favorite Fiat Punto is cheaper to run and service than that Corolla and is a safer, quicker and nicer car to own. Its available at a similar price point to the later 90's Diesel Corollas too.
It also depends on whether you are only looking at Japanese cars as many people do.
The best Diesels still tend to come from Europe, the older Japanese Diesels in general offer lack luster performance and require intensive servicing (although in fairness so do some Euro ones). However at least with a Euro Diesel you can get into a common rail diesel with less servicing and better economy and power for a reasonable price. Also, those Diesels tend to be a lot more reliable than Japans common rail offerings as of yet. This sounds like a biased generalisation but is actually based on sound reasoning. In short its because in Europe they sell more Diesel cars than petrol cars and in Japan they sold effectively none for a decade because of emission laws. This put the Japanese makers miles behind in development and there is now a big rush to catch up. which has to be done on a shoestring budget. Suzuki and some others tend to get around this with buying engines from Fiat etc which can be sort of O.K. (there are some software issues etc and generally the Fiat or Euro equivalent is still better) Mazda is a bit of an exception too due to their partnership with Ford. But overall the Diesels from Japan are not very pretty as of yet.
Also, be wary of the Korean Diesels, they are often better than the Japanese offerings but despite being common rail often don't deliver the economy of the European diesels despite the clever marketing to suggest so.
So. yes. its really too complex a question just to have an answer one way or the other especially with some of the new hyper economical petrol engines now available. Best thing is to be specific with a price range/size and then actually do the math. People always seem to fail to do the math and often waste thousands because of it.
Apr 19, 7:26pm
BTW, don't forget I made an online calculator which can help you. Just update the Diesel and Petrol price when you use it as I have not done it for a while. That said, fuel prices will fluctuate over your ownership and you should be looking for a clear winner so not a big deal really if you don't update the fuel price.
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