Guys yep I did this tonight, wasn;t thinking somehow grabbed it didn;t look poured in 20 bux worth payed, went to take off and, well you know the rest. Wouldn;t start,
How can I sort this or will it need to go to mechanics!
Apr 21, 9:25am
Drain the diesel, fill with petrol, should be fine once it starts.
Apr 21, 9:28am
Drain it-pull the return line-and fire it in to a container-refill with a good 20 litres or more of petrol-prime it a few times-key on pump prime.key off-ya'll see the return line firing fuel when it primes. Then pull ya spark plugs and clean em-wash em in petrol. and refit and refit the return line and then. start it
Apr 21, 3:03pm
if it is a older car with mechanical fuel-pump carburettor then you want to get a new fuelpump ready as the old will fail on its membrane. Be good to know what car. also Fuelfilter has to be changed once you got it running on petrol again on any car.
Apr 21, 3:06pm
dont run it dry if it is a mazda 626 capella for example as these fry the fuelpump after 60 secounds with no petrol So if you do pump it all out with removal of the fuel line then you got to shut it off as soon as it apears running dry. thats is for new injected cars there should be 3 bar pressure from the petrol pump
Apr 21, 3:37pm
Apr 21, 6:34pm
Its a 1992 nissan pulsar xir 1600 ------------- it was running so well!
Apr 21, 7:00pm
Apr 21, 10:19pm
payed !
Apr 21, 10:26pm
Apr 21, 11:34pm
it's injected toysky, so could take a bit of winding over to get to fire, and when it does it will push some serious smoke for a few minutes, if you've never done this before it can be intimidating when it fires it will run rough for a while, try to keep the revs up without just flooring it, don't let it race but keep it going smoke for africa as the remaining diesel burns off, should be okay after just a few minutes, if not, turn it off and get it checked by a mechanic
Apr 21, 11:52pm
No probs for that car, Just drain the tank, fill with petrol and you're away laughing. I intentionally ran mine on some mixed fuel that a mate was getting rid of after his sister put petrol in the diesel. Had about 20% diesel in it and you'd never know it.
Apr 24, 2:33am
just drain the tank. re fill all the way up with petrol. then turn the ignition on and offf a few times to flush the diesel out of the lines fire her up and shell be ok. maybe change the filter down the line when you get around to it.
Apr 24, 11:58am
Put $60 petrol in to my diesel 4x4 2 years ago down the line- cost $65 for mechanic to drain and clean. When I paid mechanic said - people do this all the time, had a truckie here last week who put $400 petrol in to his diesel truck! So maybe we all have a blonde one sometime!
Apr 24, 2:26pm
what a load of cods wollop, some of the replies are !frig me. i agree with morrisman, drain / siphon as much of the fuel tank as you can, top up fuel tank with as much petrol as you can fit in / afford, try and get the mixto say no more than 20% diesel . f / icars fill self flush the fuel lines, carburettedcars are more of a hassle, but thats another story. the o'l lada will run @ a 40% mix, although not the best dumpping petrol into a diesel car, mmmmmmmmmm.this could be much more serious if you dont flush the fuel system more carefully
Apr 24, 2:33pm
some indian guy filled a nissan ute with diesel was carburettor petrol he drove till it stoped then drained tank refilled with petrol it ran and then stoped again. I checked it for him the mechanical fuelpump membrane had gone rockhard from the diesel making it soft and then the petrol cleaning it again , new fuelpump was required on that. new cars fuelpumps work different no membranes on most electric pumps
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