The truck vs hotrod on the hill incident

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xs1100, Apr 12, 12:41am
does anyone know the truck driver, just wondering if he laid a compliant over the hot rod guy. really need to know if theres been anything further to this plse

kingfisher21, Apr 12, 12:58am
Hope so, hate to say it but if it was me driving that truck I would of tapped the arrogant pricks ass.

kazbanz, Apr 12, 1:05am
I can't justify his actions but I really can relate to the utter frustration the hot rod driver and all the other cars felt when one slow moving rig used virtually the entire overtaking lane to pass a slightly slower moving rig.
That seems to be the part of the equasion thats been glossed over.
The trucky sure as heck was not being even a little bit conciderate of other road users when he chose to overtake another rig.

wrinkley, Apr 12, 1:13am
the truck drivers dont get as many oppertunities to pass so if they need to use the passing lane for passing, so be it. have a little patience.

craig04, Apr 12, 1:25am
That is a notoriously bad passing lane. Far too short before it narrows again.

snork28, Apr 12, 1:26am
the passing lanes are for faster traveling vehicles to overtake slower ones,simple really. As for hot rod dick, it would have served him right if he got the paint scratched.

richardmayes, Apr 12, 1:31am
Yes - sometimes frustration can tempt us into actions that are, nevertheless, wrong.

skin1235, Apr 12, 3:32am
seriously doubt he'd lay a complaint
for a start what evidence would he have - nothing in the vid showed any illegal behaviour

even if the hotrod deliberately slowed in front of him he did not cause any damage to anything other than the steerers ego

and a few tender wet eyed groupies here on this board

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 3:40am
Tough Luck for the truckie, in another 2 km he will be holding up a whole line of traffic around the 30km corners ahead.
Overtaking uphill was an incondiderate choice and the other road users told him so.
Should have tucked in behind the first truck, even dropped back to help the merge when the lane ended and let the backlog go around him.
Look how many drivers took their chances to get past when the lane ended as a result.

motorboy2011, Apr 12, 3:43am
the truck has just as much right to use the lane to pass a slower truck than anyone else.

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 4:01am
Yep, he does.
When I tow my daughters horse float I have the right to make everyone behind me travel at my pace for the distance of my journey.
But I dont, because I consider the frustrated drivers behind me.

Sadly the days of the considerate truck driver seems to have been lost.

xs1100, Apr 12, 4:01am
well as was pointed out what the truck driver did was perfectly legal,
but the Q i need answered plse is does anyone know the truck driver and i need to know if theres been any action in regard to this incident

gunhand, Apr 12, 4:06am
No I believe you do not. Its called impeeding the flow of traffic. It is an offence.
Unless your doing 100kph but then its still an offence.

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 4:09am
Crap, I ususally tow at 90km, which is faster than quite a few other drivers out there.
It's courtesy, which I hardly ever see myself when the roles are reversed.

gunhand, Apr 12, 4:13am
So you are allowed a string of cars behind you wanting to 100kph as they are allowed to but because you are towing a float and feel like it you can stop them passing by not pulling over when you can! Interesting.

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 4:16am
Its not a target Gunhand.
Its a limit based on conditions, visibilty, traffic etc.

What if I was travelling at 99KPH and a line bulit up behind me, still my duty to pull over then is it!

twink19, Apr 12, 4:17am
I would have run the hot rod over

joker9377, Apr 12, 4:20am
I can see where this thread is heading so I will only add my 2 cents and bugger off lol. I drive a truck and agree that the truckie should have let the cars past first then if there was room had a go at the truck in front. Also the truck in front could of backed off or given the one behind a signal to overtake after the cars had gone. CB as well! I dunno, but I would of just let the cars go and sat in behind the other truck. End of the day its not a race and a professional would give courtesy to other road users (quicker ones) first.

poppajn, Apr 12, 4:21am
This was on XTruckin when it happened couple of months ago and yes it was reported.

xs1100, Apr 12, 4:21am
the minimum speed limit that applies is 70ks a hour (and thats actually on a motorway)and the maximum is therefore T/B is perfectly legal i dont think there is a minimum speed in regards to a country road as such or else tractors and the like wouldnt be able to use them

gunhand, Apr 12, 4:21am
Im more interested in it being your "right" to make others travel at your pace when towing a float. You dont as you said but I found it interesting that you think you do have a right to make others travel at your pace. Now 99kph isnt going to make a hell of a lot of difference now is it but we know thats not what you meant. So your saying that if on any givin day I choose I can make people travel at 75kph as on that day its "my pace" I am more than happy to be proven that you do indeed have such a right. And no 100kph is not a target.

thunderbolt, Apr 12, 4:26am
Aha, I wondered what your angle was.
Motorboy stated the truck had the right to do what he did.
Just like I can legally drive at 90kph with the float.
My point was it is not condsiderate and we all saw the effect it has on other drivers.

gunhand, Apr 12, 4:28am
All is cool. And we didnt break into a shit slinging match LOl. Sensiable disscusion is good.

snork28, Apr 12, 4:30am
the following truck new the passing lane was there,he would have dropped back a bit then judged it so he was coming up behind the slower truck with a bit of pace on so he could pass quickly as soon as they hit the passing lane,thats exactly what he did,no problem and was soon back in the left lane well before the passing lane ended ensuring that following cars had plenty of time to overtake as well,then hot rod dork happens by.

fryan1962, Apr 12, 4:39am
The angle we did not see is o course i that truck cut the hot rod off to overtake

I do not know if he did or did not
for that truck to overtake he may have used the time that 10 cars could have passed.

Considering he was saying he was so loaded why was he in a hurry anyway