More Nanas & big girls blouses on here than petrol
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Apr 22, 1:34am
heads! Nana-time!, once again some on here can dish it out but cant take it, oh well, yet another warning & may be a good time to take a break & leave the girlies to themselves
Apr 22, 1:38am
know the feeling. got another one fri. And hardly even post these days. Complimenting someone and got some wanna be hero protesting
Apr 22, 1:40am
Unfortunately nanas permeate the entire board.
Would I be so bold as to suggest the whole forum is kaputski.
Apr 22, 1:57am
Yeah. the ones that really pi$$ me off usually have zero feedbacks - neither Buy or Sell on here - just lurk on the Boards being a nuisance.
Apr 22, 1:58am
Oh lol.
Apr 22, 1:59am
That's a good idea IMHO.
Apr 22, 2:01am
From my warning."We appreciate that you made the effort to censor the post, however regardless of this it is not appropriate for the boards." So on that note, once the nice desperate small minded person sees what you wrote barrie2, you could be getting an email from trademe
Apr 22, 2:02am
Why any sane person would brand themselves a nark is beyond me
Apr 22, 3:03am
mind you, seeing how the BGB community behave might well be worth while watching afterall
Apr 22, 3:06am
I get warnings pretty much 1 every 2 weeks. Half the time I dont know what for just someone complained about this or that.
Apr 22, 3:10am
maybe they get their nighties torn on Ford magazines & mazda parts & feel the need to come in here & start the 'handbags at 20 paces' thing
Apr 22, 3:28am
BGB! What's that!
Apr 22, 3:29am
Handbags at 20 paces; don't make me laugh - there's no contest here.
Apr 22, 4:49am
I could say but if it offends a Nana might have a cry to mummy TM
Apr 22, 4:50am
Who's the Nana now!
Apr 22, 4:55am
Don't know what you're talking about. I'm complaining about that comment though.
Quotebellky (86 )9:26 am, Sun 22 Apr #35 sound familiar!
Apr 22, 4:58am
BGB=large ladies knickers perhaps, as the title suggests
now com'on whqqsh, bellky maybe a lot of things but nark he's not
Apr 22, 4:59am
Nana bellky, its got a nice RING to it (o:
Apr 22, 5:14am
funny because just after that I got a warning for that comment!
Apr 22, 5:49am
I have just spent time on two other (local - motoring) message boards where life appears to be very civil, though of course, people do beg to differ (healthy) but no name calling, or thinly disguised offensive language.
Having had another warning a couple of weeks ago on a (presumably quiet) public holiday, that "there had been complaints" note the plural, I suspect that it is not the case at all and if TM get complaints, they should specify the number, as my suspicion is, that it may often be a bored moderator with nothing better to do.There should be a minimum of three so that one nark cannot spoil it.
The only threads I have ever voted against have been the spam threads, other than that, whilst I may object to the language used now and again, I certainly can't be bothered reporting it.
Apr 22, 6:21am
Oh dear. This whole thread is so sad, it's actually quite funny.
recent communication from TM seems to point to being able to create as much disruption as one likes as long as abusive language isnt used or direct insults (but judging that varies wildly too it seems). oh well, at least we all know who they are
Apr 22, 4:21pm
Normally I don't complain skin1235, but I did 'Vote to have it removed' on one of the OPs remarks. It was just too rank and had to be done.
Apr 22, 5:00pm
Oh no, I'm too slow again. Go away for one day and I miss something exciting, that will teach me to have a life while the weekend moderators are here.
In my experience none of the names that have replied to this thread appear to be squeelers. Stirrers yes, squeelers no.
Apr 22, 5:11pm
Retract that last comment, I just read the Bonnet done thread.
Bellky - you surprised me there, I thought you were just a stirrer not a crybaby too.
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