Hourly labour charge when car at mechanics?

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johnf_456, Apr 22, 7:58pm
From client to client as i tend to charge some a bit less. Then the job being done influences it to.

helsbels2, Apr 22, 8:42pm
Works both ways too we had a job last week that an apprentice took way to long on there was no way we could have charged that much for it.
Bad payers also effect the rate lol.

steve312, Apr 22, 9:36pm
$60 + GST/Nelson

superdave0_13, Apr 22, 10:10pm
Every business in NZ has those types of overheads. Tell your dirty mechanics to take off their overalls instead.

thunderbolt, Apr 22, 10:14pm
At nearly $2 per minute charge out rate, it would be cheaper for the customer to pay for disposable seat covers

aliru, Apr 22, 10:22pm
be carefull. I got charged a "hoist fee".wont be going back there

3tomany, Apr 22, 10:38pm
i am nota mechanic but that hoist fee just goes to show there is more than just labor in the labor charge there are hoists,diagnostic gear, specialist tools, compressor, grinders,welders,phones,loan car, rubbish,training,cleaning up at the end of day the list goes forever so remember you are paying for more than just a mechanic

a.woodrow, Apr 22, 10:53pm
Yep I've charged hoist fee's before. Usually on some riced out heap of junk lowered to the ground with a stupid body kit that we wasted 20minutes jacking up to get the arms under it and make sure nothing was going to bust their skirts or the neon lights along the sills. Then you lift it up, quote them $30 to weld the leak in the exhaust and they are all "nah I might price around".

aliru, Apr 22, 11:34pm
to a.woodrow - it was on a completed $850 brake job, on my wrangler,shouldnt have many problems getting under that

gadgit3, Apr 22, 11:46pm
Alot of workshops these days are leasing there hoists so as they have up to date gear and the tech feels safer under a 3yo hoist compaired to a 20yo hoist. so seen as these hoists are leased and not owned there is a ongoing cost so user pays I'm afraid.

supertech1, Apr 23, 12:00am


pp-race, Apr 23, 12:22am
It grinds my gears when people complain about labour and workshop costs in a black hands industry(black hands meaning getting hands dirty) When the pen pushers can charge much more for doing less. Docs charge $60 for 15min visit. Xray cost heaps. Accountants charge a fee plus hourly rate (haha the invoice says hourly rate not labour rate) then on top of that a filing fee. we wont even mention dentist I know the cost of thier set ups but my workshop is on par with theirs.

clark20, Apr 23, 3:44am
My Lawyer gets $350 an hour

trade_to_you, Apr 23, 6:08am
considering the mechanic working on the vehicle gets what, $18 and hour! and if they are charged $70 an hour! seems like 380% to the garage. If its a great job then sure ill pay that, but how many are getting through vehicles as quick as possible, no TLC or spending 40 mins on it and charging for the hour

thunderbolt, Apr 23, 6:21am
Mechanic would get about $25 in this case which is about correct to keep a workshop in the black.
To cover rent, power etc, comebacks, mechanics holidays and sick pay, and of course office staff etc the charge out rate needs to be approx 3 times the amount of the mechanics wage.
Sometimes more if location means higher rents, staff mix has more experienced and higher paid mechanics (less apprenticies) etc.

mecanix, Apr 23, 3:25pm
70 + GST, and its a true rate. Eg.if a service taks an hour i charge an hour. if it takes 45 minutes to change a set of pads out, i charge 45 minutes. if my guys take too long and i cant justify it, i charge the average for the job. no hoist fee's no rag charges, no misc charges. i am doing quite nicely and have been for the best part of fourteen years.

mopsy3, Apr 23, 4:41pm
Good idea and then charge you for the extra time it takes him to take his overalls off and put them back on again. Sure you would love that but hey, it was your idea.

skiff1, Apr 23, 4:51pm
last time i looked you could get reusable seat covers for about 50 buck from an upholsterer. if the last 1 year and get used on 2 cars per workday thats 10 cents a car right there, true i can see where the misc cost of $30 comes from now!

skiff1, Apr 23, 4:54pm
i think anyone who has to stick their fingers up geratric backsides, or lance boils on fat asses deserves a serious premium. If you feel you are getting ripped, do your own dentistry! The dentist isnt stupid enough to fix his own car!

opos, Apr 23, 5:07pm
60 bucks for a headlite polish haha

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 5:09pm
Not unreasonable. Could easily spend 30-40 min on them if they are bad, plus the compound.

If your own time is free they aren't hard to do

motor10, Apr 23, 5:17pm
So, if you charge out at $15 + GST, what do you pay your mechanics!Peanuts!

helsbels2, Apr 23, 5:32pm
Our consumables charge is only $5 not $30
Our customers are happy and keep coming back and no one has ever queried the $5 charge. Perhaps they were happy their car got washed and tyres blacked in that price.

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 5:54pm
Yep we charged $5 materials and $3 recycling. Very rarely had complaints

superdave0_13, Apr 24, 2:02am
Thats great but why can't you include it all in your hourly rate!