Hourly labour charge when car at mechanics?

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gadgit3, Apr 24, 2:29am
User pays. Don't you want to know what you are paying for!

kazbanz, Apr 24, 2:52am
poppypea--IMO its not about an hourly rate. Frankly I couldn't give a fat rats about that.
Its about how much the job will cost me to have done.
I tend to count the "cost" of the job 6 months after the spanners have been spun "the first time"
So maybee the specialist charges me $150 an hour and fixes the car first time and takes 5 hours.
A non specialist might take 10hours and charge me $90 an hour and actualy not fix the fault.
so again for me its that number at the bottom of the page that counts

superdave0_13, Apr 24, 3:01am
In addition to the cost of rags there is probably $200 worth of toilet paper used at the workshop as well! Why don't you add a proportion of that onto the bill!
If you are going to break down an invoice down break the whole thing down instead of just adding random things on willy nilly.

a.woodrow, Apr 24, 3:28am
As gadgit said, yes could include it in hourly rate, but what is wrong with being more transparent!

gadgit3, Apr 24, 4:30am
You did pay for the loo paper. $5 materials and $3 recycling. as loo paper these days is mostly recycled materials.

ema1, Apr 24, 6:19am
They can afford exorbitant costs with infinite ease and most of them drive "flashy" cars to boot.
They also charge for paper and various other cost add ons besides just the lawyers cost , don't forget!

dan.kev, Apr 24, 6:28am
I used to be a mechanic so i do all my repairs and servicing myself and yes workshop fees are expensive