Motorbkie has ANOTHER! flat tyre

brokebloke1, Apr 28, 3:30pm
Am I sick of this went out to get bike ready for a ride today and I have another flat tyre ( front ) this is the 3rd time in 2months that it has gone flat. Ive put new tyre new tube and new valve in it, what could possiblly be causing it to go flat ( ive checked tyre cant see glass,screws or nails in it )
I sweep the garage out about every second weekend.
Anyway lets get past that ,does anyone know of a place in Christchurch that is open today ( sunday) that can fix tyre for me.
I put air in tyre at this morining at its flat now, so I know its not a slow leak.

pollymay, Apr 28, 3:34pm
Could be the rim, if it's leaking around the bead clean the rim up with a wire buff and if that still doesn't seal the tyre and rim together then spray some coppercote around where it seats after cracking the bead then blow it up again, the coppercote seals any sealing issues around that area.

Figure out where the leak is first, blow it up and run the garden hose over it looking for the bubbles

whqqsh, Apr 28, 3:38pm
its got a tube so the bead or porous rim wouldnt matter

henderson_guy, Apr 28, 3:39pm
Won't be the bead if it's a tubed tyre. If you're losing air that fast, you should be able to hear it coming out

jono450, Apr 28, 3:39pm
check the inside of the rim make shaw the rubber band that covers the spokes is there it maybe ripped or broken rap some insulation tape around

vpholdie, Apr 28, 3:39pm
What sort of tyre and bike you say put tube and valve is it tubeless or tube type! If it has a tube in it could be be the rim tape missing over spokes puncturing the tube.

whqqsh, Apr 28, 3:40pm
need more info, steel spoked rim (maybe a spoke stiking through!) or alloy

phlippy, Apr 28, 3:41pm
ive used tyre foam fillers succesfully in my bike tyres. get one from a service station or supercheap

brokebloke1, Apr 28, 3:42pm
its a spoke rim and last time i checked I think it had rubber band over spokes but will check when it gets tyre fixed it does have a tube,
any place open today to get it fixed!

skin1235, Apr 28, 4:03pm
front tyre on a spoked rim, take you all of 20 minutes to pop it out, pop the tyre off and fix it yourself,, the position of the hole will tell you what to look for and where to look

now I suppose you're going to tell us it is a dirt bike with blardy great tyre clamps in 3 places around the rim, or it's a calm gn250 thtas never seen grass let alone dirt

dunwoody, Apr 28, 4:05pm
Easy way to find the problem. Take the tube out, blow it up ,find where it is leaking, push somthing like a small nail or toofhpick in the hole, place the tube over the tyre with the valve opposit the hole in the rim, where the cause of the leak is will be where the tube hole is. feel inside the tyre and you will find what causes the leak probably caused by a damaged tyre.

snj11, Apr 28, 4:07pm
How does your wife feel about the bike!. 3 flat tyres in 2 months

therafter1, Apr 28, 4:13pm
Mark the tyre in line with the valve, remove the tube and mark it for the side that was facing you when the tube came out, remove the tyre from the rim, inflate the tube and locate the puncture, place the tube on the tyre with the valve lined up with the mark you made on the tyre and check the area of the tyre that lines up with the puncture for anything that could potentially be puncturing the tube (it can be as simple as a defect in the tyre or a chaffed area, or sand or rust or debris of any sort that hasn't been cleaned out at previous fittings). If nothing is found do the same as the above with the tube on the rim, once again looking for anything that could potentially puncture the tube.

If the leak is on the area of the tube that is in contact with the rim, then it will be an object or debris of some sort on the rim that is causing the punctures.

The rim tape (the rubber strip that prevents your tube contacting the spokes) should be replaced every time a new tyre is fitted, or at the very least removed and checked for defects or debris that may be attached to it etc and then the rim and tape cleaned and refitted.

Tubed tyre repair (particularly smallish tyres like motorcycles) is like carburettor repair, scrupulous cleanliness is required, it only takes a grain of sand or scaly loose rust to be left behind and it will work away at the tube and puncture it again every time.

If whoever is repairing your punctures/fitting your tyres and tubes isn't using a semblance of any of the above procedure when they are fitting/repairing your tyres, then they are not doing their job properly !

pollymay, Apr 28, 4:15pm
I didn't really put that much thought into my post lol

Can still be the rim, if there is a sharp spot it will root the tube everytime

brokebloke1, Apr 28, 7:22pm
Thanks " therafter1 " very informative I will certainly watch him repair tyre
thanks to all others who replied too

therafter1, Apr 28, 7:54pm
That's only a rough outline mate and I have still left a few tips out ! . everyone thinks that the repair of a puncture in a tubed tyre of any sort is as simple as locating the hole in the tube, patching it and bunging it back in and hoping the problem is solved, sometimes yes when it has been something as simple as external penetration, particularly if the offending object is still present, but more frequently no lol

I have been repairing punctures in varying types of tyres for in excess of 25 years, many of which have been on heavy vehicles and many with rather large wheels. It doesn't take very many failed repairs when you are dealing with heavy mongrel wheels, inner wheels on duals etc to work out that it is a job that you only want to do once.

I do realise that sometimes my posts rave on a bit, but sometimes it is difficult to try to give a brief explanation and try to cover some of the eventuality's at the same time lol

brokebloke1, Apr 28, 7:59pm
next question. how hard is it to remove a motorbike tyre off a spoke rim, would it be same as a pushbike! if not what special tools should I use

woki, Apr 28, 8:08pm
Same as a push bike but a little bit harder . The bead on the motorbike tyre is much heavier ( stronger and harder ) . You will need a pair of bigger tyre levers to get the tyre off in the same way a bicycle tyre.Take one side off careful not to pinch the tube with the lever. Then remove the tube . Now take the tyre right off the rim . Check the inside of the tyre in good light for any sharp items that may have caused the puncture . Also check the inside scrupulously for and small holes from previous punctures . These holes can be like a little pacman and as the tyre flex,s while in use will the little hole becomes like a pacman and chews its way through the tube .
As "Thereafter1" . said "Quote" ""If whoever is repairing your punctures/fitting your tyres and tubes isn't using a semblance of any of the above procedure when they are fitting/repairing your tyres, then they are not doing their job properly !

therafter1, Apr 28, 8:24pm
You really need motorcycle specific tyre levers, just about everything else will either be too big, or too vicious. You get people using car type levers and screw drivers and all sorts, but the most likely outcome is usually a pinch when you are removing/re-fitting the tyre, or damage to the rim or the bead of the tyre. If the tube is pinched when removing the tyre it is quite often mistaken as being the cause of the puncture, which as above means that it will all have to come off and be done again. Once you have repaired what ???you believe??

gunna-1, Apr 29, 5:07pm
It sounds like whoever put the new tube in might have pinched it with the tyre leaver and put a small hole in it, i,ts happened to me before.