What is the standard Tyre Size on Standard rim for

nomannz123, Apr 17, 1:15am
1989 Mazda Familia, does anyone know

andrea_w, Apr 17, 1:18am
There is a chance they came out with more than one wheel/tyre size depending on the spec.
Open the drivers door and check the door jamb. there might be a sticker there telling you what the factory tyre size is

fordcrzy, Apr 17, 1:21am
175/70 13 or 185/60 14

nomannz123, Apr 17, 1:21am
No sticker in the door jamb, will look elsewhere

fordcrzy, Apr 17, 1:22am
look on the tyres that are on it

richardmayes, Apr 17, 1:23am
I don't know - but I'm betting the 1.6 litre Familia had bigger tyres than the 1.3 litre one.

As above, look for a little metal tag inside the driver's door, with this information on it.

richardmayes, Apr 17, 1:23am
No don't do that, the tyres that are on it now could be ANY size.

roddie1971, Apr 17, 1:28am

fordcrzy, Apr 17, 1:31am
i stand by my first post then 175/70 13 is a pretty standard size for that era 323. unless it has GT mags on it or is an XG in which case it will have 14" wheels and 185/60 14 or 195/60 14 tyres

thewomble1, Apr 17, 8:30am
should be in the handbook. Don't go by the size tyres on it now.they could be wrong size. Ring Mazda dealer/workshop.

pollymay, Apr 17, 9:18am
255/45/17, they're a powerful beast that will shred tyres like nothing