Funny how an idiot with a few problems with one old car condemns everything else with the same name. OOH I forgot,the mirror fell off my 626 so I'll never buy another.
May 6, 5:01pm
They are not.
May 6, 5:02pm
My old HQ ute broke down on me a couple of times, but I also scored in it, so i don't know whether to love or hate all holdens.
May 6, 7:02pm
also doubly frustrating is the muppets who cannot tell the difference between a festiva of the 90's and the latest FIESTA.
May 6, 7:10pm
I had a 2002 ST Mondeo. Loved it but boy was it gutless. It was OK once it got going but getting going took it a while. Wouldn't recommend it to anybody wanting a car with up and go.
May 6, 7:12pm
Are you still paying the maintenance on both experiences!
May 6, 7:14pm
Hahaha - one of them was stolen, the other I couldn't give away.
May 6, 9:09pm
V6 is the older engine from the old Mk 2s, the 2.0 inline 4 is the newer Duratec model. It's more powerful on a HP to volume basis (the V6 doesn't get you all that much more power for the extra 500 cc + weight) and more efficient. If you avoid the auto (I have one), the manual is probably more than powerful enough even with loaded car. (If you need more power than that then maybe you want a Falcon etc.)
The real beauties are the 3.0 V6 ST220s but really rare!
2004+ as above, unless 2002+ car has documented history of having the flaps / inlet changed (there was a recall and a kit from Ford so it's possible).
Great Euro cars.
May 6, 9:48pm
I test drove a Mondeo ST 2.5 V6 manual recently and I thought it would be gruntier than it was. It had done higher kms and was smooth but seemed down on power. Maybe it was that particular car.
May 7, 3:08am
No, thats normal, they are pretty underwhelming really. They don't offer a significant increase in power over a manual 4cyl one.
May 13, 10:52pm
Well I bought one. 2002, 2litre, 135km, auto, wagon. Hardly going to win the coolest car price but it should shuttle the family around quite nicely. At $3800 I think I have done ok.
May 13, 11:06pm
good luck, cheers for the update.
We bought a manual wagon as a family hack after the wife got herself pregnant (later model) and has gone really well. Nicely appointed for the money.
May 13, 11:09pm
How did she "GET HERSELF Pregnant"!
May 14, 12:29am
You got the later model wife!Well done!
May 14, 12:30am
May 17, 7:11pm
Hi. Anybody have any experience with Mondeo '97 auto 2500cc!Am looking at buying one.
May 18, 2:28am
run forest run! they are rubbish
May 19, 3:34am
I bought a '98 ST24 with a blown engine, the company selling it had a second one in their fleet which had the exact same problem. Probably caused by poor service history, but unless it came with a full, documented history I would probably steer clear. I also had a 2002 Mondeo ST with the 2.5 V6 motor in. I had trouble with that too ( although it was a very nice drive ) I would probably go for the 2.0 zetec ( if only for piece of mind ) cheers it
May 19, 8:02pm
I have seen 2 of those 97 Mondeos being advertised, and both have issues.So just wondering.
May 20, 1:23am
What fuel should I be using in our one! Im presuming 91.
May 20, 2:05am
95. The Mondeo's are tuned very lean to get maximum economy, and they tend to knock/pink on 91 - if you floor it you can even hear it.
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