I've always been curious about these - so is the plate to remind you, or tell other people!
May 7, 3:40pm
A straight conversion of the existing plate to a Euro sized plate is $399.
$499 if you want the car maker's logo on the end.
At those prices do most of these plates get slipped on the company account!
May 7, 3:57pm
Some just drive with the US or Aussie plates on them. We did.lol
May 7, 5:15pm
Nope :)
May 7, 5:16pm
Well mine's a bit of a play on words, it's not just the model name, but the model name is prominent. I did it for a bit of a laugh and the car's now generally known by the plate :)
May 7, 7:22pm
The proprietor of a furniture store near where I work drives home most nights in a Mercedes SL with the number plate "NVMYSL".
Although some nights he drives his Audi Q7 "NVMYQ7" instead.
It must be an unsettling life, driving around surrounded by inferior people who envy you all the time.!
May 7, 7:31pm
If I had a permanent car park over the road from him, I'd be really tempted to get the plate "NVMYGL" for the mighty '86 Laser GL.
May 7, 7:39pm
There was chat on here recently about a mobile numberplate recognition system being trialed by Police. Where it could scan and report anything outstanding on the vehicle within a couple of seconds, eg: WOF, REG, warrants on reg owner, etc. Could it be that the family member of OP had a plate that the scanner could not recognise, this in turn may have triggered a "pull over vehicle - illegal plate" message. Could also fail to record plate on the Northern Toll Rd.
May 7, 8:12pm
It would be a very poor system that could only recognise 1 or 2 fonts.
May 7, 8:23pm
We have had a cop slow to check out a car we were in. He smiled and drove on. Car had oz plates on it with no reg and no wof sticker. Nice cop perhaps.lol
May 8, 4:40pm
Was it personalized plate!I have bought a car over from oz and have not put it on the road,car has orig number plate I know I could spend $800 and get one made here
May 8, 5:29pm
Just a standard WA plate
May 9, 12:58am
I suspect you have a Lotus, the model with a chassis held together by Glue
May 9, 1:18am
Indeed. Glue and good intentions ;)
May 9, 6:45am
Had my Euro manufactured plate on the car for 10 years, and it is illegal.
Had a warning letter for a $500 fine.I wrote to the MoT who stated that they were looking into the rules - but have done nothing - as I suspect part of the reason for the original rules is to stop people using a tatty bit of cardboard.
A Euro plate manufactured correctly should be able to be spotted by any decent recognition system, but the local cop claims that they are concerned about stiolen cars.The fact that I own the original PP and also have a valid registration sticker, seemingly cuts no ice.Thefine of $500 therefore makes you out to be more of a criminal than the average wife beater, mugger or shop lifter.Take from that what you will.
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