vehicle that weighs over 3500kg how does that work far as i was aware you paid you road tax through the cost of your petrol.whilst the vehicle might require a cof i did think being petrol it needed rucs
May 7, 4:27am
Its a prick of an Idea, I pay that too,, you can claim back some of it but you have to deal with sadistic bitchs in the office and so far i have got nothing. Its not just for diesels, we pay for the wear and tear on the roads just because we are heavy vehical.
May 7, 4:27am
You can claim back the road tax that you pay at the petrol pump, not sure on the exact process though.
May 7, 4:31am
cheers you learn something everyday,i knew with the diesel you had to have ruc but didnt realise you also had to with petrol
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