Solid plastic L plates?

nzdl4, May 7, 10:35am
Where can you buy these (major chains or stores in Christchurch!). I have just got my bike learners so need the plastic jobbies but have only found the floppy ones car windows.

Searched on here but nothing seems relevant

lugee, May 7, 11:05am
Make some.

pollymay, May 7, 11:16am
Those chinese stores full of $2 type stuff sometimes have them

morrisman1, May 7, 11:24am
The solution is simple, fit a rear windscreen

i-n-horz, May 7, 11:46am
The plastic floppy ones are ok.just mount them to the #plate, being flexible is an advantage if your a learner on a motorcycle.

bitsy_boffin, May 7, 12:40pm
I think he means he has only seen "fabric" style, more like a flag!

My suggestion, make one, you're only going to need it a short while.Print out and stick onto an icecream lid.

Or go into your friendly motorbike shop, they probably have one.

a.woodrow, May 7, 5:57pm
The question here is are you a competent rider! If you are, leave them off for your own safety. If you aren't, get some, but be prepared for all the idiots on the road.