Thanks to the car drivers that didn't stop.

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roadkillcafe, May 10, 11:54pm
"had an off"-what kind of talk is that!Kinda sounds like how they speak in pomgolia.

aktow, May 11, 9:37am
i think you have to stop and check if there is a injury only if you are in a accident .

tahnasha, May 11, 9:58am
Hell I would have stopped for him, regardless of whether he looked like a gang member or not, which he doesn't from his profile picture, IMO.

Some seriously f*cked up people around to not stop for someone who has come off their bike.What is NZ coming to!Sounds like a bunch of twats out there.

skin1235, May 11, 12:43pm
you may have been lucky those cars didn't stop mate
cruising back down through the messenger one evening in a flat deck btrain came across a biker who had canned it, there was a whole bunch of folks standing around while he was on his back head downhill still laying in the water table - and nobody with him
so I stopped and stepped out

the group were arguing about what they should do 'cos he might be a gang member

some git even had the pipi's to tell me to leave the mongrel alone when I went to check him

the biker was pissed out of his tree, had 1 broken arm, almost severed finger on one hand ( not broken arm) lost a huge part of his face to the gravel, and was not looking too good

got one other to help me lift him out of the water table and turn him so he was head uphill, left him covered by a rug from the truck while Irestarted the truck and actually made contact with one fools vehicle who didn't want to move it out of thew way so I could pull alongside the lad
It took 3 of us to get him up the side of the T line, and the same 3 to pick his bike up and put it on the deck
the rest were still spitting tacks as we left
4 km later I found phone reception and called NP for an ambo
with no other safe place on offer dropped his bike at the NP police station after the ambo met us just shy of waitara and took the young fella onboard

later found a couple of things

yes he was a gang member, and half a dozen of his mates found me a few weeks later, they thanked me profusely for the efforts that day

and the day after the event I found the almost severed finger had actually completely severed somewhere on that ride and was down behind the drivers seat

amber.gumdrop, May 11, 2:19pm
I always stop, as if I didnt
I would lose my nursing liscence.

amber.gumdrop, May 11, 2:25pm
I hhave also been threatened by bikers at kemeu for helping a woman who it turns out had multiple fracturea s and a head injury. When trying to call for an ambulance they all started their engines and revved them so the 111 operator couldnt hear them, I looked the biggest one in the eye and said if you dont #### off now, Ill rip your head off. They were so surprised that they backed off. The guys I was with had all taken off to try and find first aid, and there was only myself, and one other small pakeha woman. When the ambo came finally, and I handed over, I just broke down shaking and crying as it all hit home. I went home and havent stayed over at Keumeu again. Its ruined it for me.

offrd1, May 11, 3:27pm
Don't be stupid and one person wasn't healthy .you are a idiot

offrd1, May 11, 3:38pm
I think i'm just from the old school [ i'm in my 60s ] where people do stop with out a thought,i'm sure there is some bloody good people out there as on here,but this has been a interesting thread.I didn't realise the country had changed so much .never to old to learn,a bit sad really

desmodave, May 11, 4:06pm
Maybe you you look big and ugly and ridinga Harley Joe Blog my have thought you were some outlaw biker and been abit shy on helping.Last guy that came off in the bluffs here was lucky the 1st car on the seen was our local doctor and the 2nd was a van with 5 people on board who picked the bike up and placed it in a safer place.Hope you both heal up quick and try and find a bright side.bit less chrome to pollish for a start, thats gunna save ya time.

offrd1, May 11, 4:45pm
LOL.Hi Dave.more of a whinge for the missus really,if i was on my own wouldn't have cared a rats bum.not really a whinge just interested in peoples drivers seem a strange breed .lol. she is ok

blacktulip, May 11, 5:05pm
20 outta 10 to skin, dont hesitate and do what you think is right!

trogedon, May 11, 5:06pm
This is shocking! I'm with those who'd always stop to help.and sure hope it would happen for us.

trogedon, May 11, 5:11pm
Your reaction is very understandable the bikers one is terrible.

gunhand, May 11, 5:48pm
Some interesting and stories here for sure.Why don't people stop! who really knows for sure. Some may just be afraid of what they may find or see, some may think ,someone else will stop for sure , I don't know what to do so can not help anyway or Shortland street starts shorlty and I can not miss it.
What I do find of concearn is that in this day and age just about everyone who works has to have done a first aid course. Within those courses are the basics of saving someones life. But again doing it in real life as apposed to in a classroom is very different and some just wont cope.
The basics are as follows.
Safety, for you and the patient, if it isnt safe do nothing.
Responce, Yell at the patient to see if there is a responce at all, any responce is good.
Airway, The most important really, you dont breath you die. If you get a responce chances are they are breathing ok, if you dont know how to clear an airway dont, but if you see something you can grab and pull out do it.
Circulation, Are they bleeding alot! If so apply pressure, simple really.
Thats the very basics and can save lives.
If you find someone face down and gurgling its not good. They may be drowning or have severe internal injuries but leaving them like that means they will die for sure.
Turn them over as gently as you can, The spine comes second to breathing for obvioues reasons. But do try and keep everything inline (neck etc) as you turn them, hard by youself but if you cant you cant.
If you find a motorcyclist with helmet on and they are breathing fine DO NOT remove the helmet unless your trained in doing it, If the strap is choking him release it, most are easy to do but can be hard when geared up. Cut it if you have to but otherwise leave it in place. Helmets can be keeping things in place.
Do NOT remove penatrating objects.
CPR if no responce or breathing. Just lay patient on flat hard surface and pump the center of the chest, if you dont break a rib your not doing it hard enough. Dont stop unless 20 plus minutes pass without proper help or you get to tired (its hard work). If you dont want to do mouth to mouth dont worry its not that important anymore.
And remember, its not YOUR blood. But do try and protect yourself anyway.
Thats just the basics I could go on forever but I wont.
And if all else fails and you really have no idea carefully put them on there side (recovery postion) its better than nothing.

Gunhand, Ambo 10 plus years.

attitudedesignz, May 11, 6:01pm
Hmmm, interesting how we think we "know" someone but have no real idea of who they "are".

Respect level for you has gone up ten fold.

gabbysnana, May 11, 6:02pm
It takes seconds to pull over wind down the window, yell out everyone okay or do you need help! Seconds. Also required by the law.

gunhand, May 11, 6:10pm
Cheers, I gave it up couple months back for personal and internal political (for want of a better word) reasons as did a few others.
I was a volly for 10 or 11 years mostly but done alot of paid casual work as well.
I do miss it but I have standards and morals Im afraid when it came to this work.
Not much I havent seen and alot I didnt either.

elect70, May 11, 10:28pm
I always stop even for breakdownsorrun out of gas. Worst 1 waswhere ute with 2 guys on the back & concrete mixerhit a pole, i saw 1 guy withleg bone poking out through hisjeans & bloodpumping, flaked out & came toas ambos were putting me on a sretcher,theythought I was 1 of thepassengers .

don_logan, May 12, 4:04pm
I think its a sign times have changed in this country, I had a similar off in the Desert road in the 80's, Nearly went under a on coming car. I was blown away as every car that passed stopped and offered help or a ride. Now, Nah.its a nanny state, cotton wool society with too many limp dick G.C watchers.

bashfulbro, May 12, 4:28pm
A relative of mine did that one day, ended up getting bashed,wallet,car stolen, the uninsured car was found a few days later, written off.

shuddupowh, May 12, 5:33pm
Seen plenty of people broken downbut they are usually just around town and not far from any local workshop or gas station OR someone else has stopped to help so I dont see the point. If they are broken down in todays world everyone should have a cellphone to ring someone but if not wave someone down who can or drop you at a servo or workshop etc. When it comes to accidents I have never witnessed onebefore and never come to one either (only been past a couple over the years but the cops were already there so nothing I could do). But If I witnessed or came too a crash/whatever I'd pull up & ask if they need a hand. Im not a softy like half the country so am not affraid to help never know when you may need it and if you dont help no may help you.

modie61, May 12, 6:41pm
Its a sign of the times i reckon,others dont give a toss about your mishap,its all about them,it shows in their driving habits. Rant over.

wizzbikz, May 12, 6:49pm
Its 2012no one cares anymore

ozz1, May 12, 9:49pm i hope you are not from oz . as your user name indicates. but I would stop and help you if you are unfortuneate to have an accident. as I would expect you to stop and help me.BAD comment .you listed. my outlook is . allways help some one. as you never know when YOU will need help.its calledKarma.

trogedon, May 12, 10:03pm
Different cultures have a more ingrained don't get involved mentality.