can i just tape it up!well yes you can. but it wont work. you reallyneed a replacement.and yesto all your above questions regarding faults
May 12, 9:35pm
that piece of pipe is an engine air intke sucking air from the air cleaner/filter. the pipe is under vaccuum and taping it up would be a very good idea as otherwise the motor will be breathing unfiltered air. As for being the cause of your other issues, ask a mechanic.
May 12, 9:39pm
Taping it up will still be better than nothing. Thats the air inlet pipe from the filter to the engine, so it will allow debris in after the filter as well as upset all the sensors that help to run the engine properly. See about a new or second hand one if $$ are an issue, but tape it up with a good quality tape as soon as you can in the meantime.
Yeah, same as above. I just type slow.
May 12, 9:52pm
Thanks for that . ozzie . the car past its warrant of fitness several weeks ago . with the split in that hose . and it was the guy at Fairview Motors who told me just to wrap some tape around it .
What exactly is that hose for . becos I tried to find a "Ford Falcon Engine Parts Number Diagram" online . that looked similar to our engine . but I couldnt find one .
I know that its not for oil or fuel etc . becos of the fact that the hose and the squarish black thingee it feeds into or out of . are both made of plastic .
The only words that spring to my "Feminine Mind" . are things like "Air" and "Combustion" . for some reason . but heck . I am just a gal . who has only ever done things on her cars . such as:-
Checking the Oil Filling the Petrol or CNG Tank Changing Spark Plugs Topping Up the Windscreen Wiper Washer Fluid Putting in a New Battery Replacing Windscreen Wiper Blades
. not to mention washing the outside of the car . and vacuuming the floors . and cleaning the inside and outside windows etc etc etc .
However . I taught myself how to fix our F&P Washing Machine . using the Technicians Instruction Manual . that is more than a hundred pages long . which is pretty darned good for a girl . cos how many woman do you guys know that can fix clear a blocked pump on a washing machine . or replace the Off Balance Switch . where I had to splice electrical wiring together .
May 12, 9:55pm
LOL . you can tell I am a girl becos of the length of my above post . which by the time I pressed the button to post it . my questions were irrelevant .
Thanks heaps for your info and input guys .
May 12, 11:46pm
"However . I taught myself how to fix our F&P Washing Machine . using the Technicians Instruction Manual . that is more than a hundred pages long . which is pretty darned good for a girl . cos how many woman do you guys know that can fix clear a blocked pump on a washing machine . or replace the Off Balance Switch . where I had to splice electrical wiring together ." Impressive.
May 13, 12:32am
my mrs can unblock the pump on the washing machine,takes it off cleans it out ,she even showed me how to do it.
May 13, 12:38am
What exactly do you mean . when you say . "takes it off . cleans it out" . midgie ! .
May 13, 12:50am
tape it up AFM (air flow meter) is before this split in hose causing a out of value reading hence your faults
May 13, 12:58am
Thanks for that . dozerman . will tape it up first thing tomorrow . until I buy new hose .
May 13, 2:13am
The split hose wont fail a warrant. Impressive skills.can I marry you
May 13, 2:16am
Wrong, these don't have an AFM, they work off Manifold Pressure.
May 13, 2:29am
The first time I rolled the washer over, carefully unscrewed the pump motor and various other parts, only to find it has a lever to allow a 1/2 turn to remove, oh well next time (and it was a kids sock inside)
May 13, 2:39am
Sorry in this case its called a MAF sensor & is located on the air box before the split in the hose.Dont think any cars come with a maf less tune
May 13, 3:25am
Well you've just found one :) There is no AFM/MAF in the airbox or intake ducting in these. You can completely remove the ducting completely and it will not affect its running, other then sucking in unfiltered air.
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