TM wof/rego requirements

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tonyrockyhorror, May 11, 11:19pm
They're wide open. That popup link doesn't tell me anything about to whom they are thinking they'll apply the ridiculous policy.

bellky, May 11, 11:36pm
Engage grey matter and report back.

tonyrockyhorror, May 11, 11:40pm
After you.

bellky, May 11, 11:41pm
Way aheada ya.

tonyrockyhorror, May 12, 1:08am
Nah, you're just not.

a.woodrow, May 12, 1:13am
What a pair of girls you two are.

bellky, May 12, 4:22pm
Oh yes I am.

bellky, May 12, 4:23pm
Who do you think you are.

sfw4, May 13, 3:01am
pffft! wof be a thing of the past soon. but then Insurance prices and Regos will skyrocket. NZ way behind the USA and Australia