Trade me are stating rules that are contrary to the law. The LEGAL requirement for motor vehicles is that they must havea less than 28 day old WOF,Must have CURRENT registration and diesel tax must be up to date. The exceptions being fresh imports which always must be registered for 6 months ANDvehicles soldAS IS WHERE IS. In that case a vehoicle may have currrent rego and wofand still not require orc to be paid. TM are anADVERTISING MEDIA ONLY As such they cannot dictate legal requirements for a vehicle beyond what is already stated IN LAW.
May 11, 1:21am
So if your car doesn't sell within 28 days of getting a WOF, you have to get another WOF, even though there's 5 months still remaining on the current one!
May 11, 1:26am
That always has been the law UNLESS you are selling as is where is
May 11, 1:27am
Interesting, learn something new every day.
May 11, 2:43am
that not trade me that is the law
May 11, 3:01am
only for registerd motor vehicle trader that law applys. like most things its village morons who make these rules.
May 11, 3:06am
I have to disagree with you on this. Trademe haven't dictated the law, they have dictated a rule for trading on their site. While I disagree with how they have rolled out this plan, they are quite within their rights to do so.
May 11, 4:35am
Unfortunately TM have a rule that is directly against the law. So should a case go to court -ie a car sold with 2 months and 2 weeks rego on it.The buyer and seller decide to be bloody minded about it--will the judge rule according to the LAW or accordind to something advertised on an ADVERTISING MEDIA.! Having had an informal discussion with the Auckland MVDTI can tell youwhich way they have indicated they will rule.-By the definition laid out by the LAW and by the specific information included in the advert--ie the month rego expires and the month wof expires. Incidently it is a legal requirement for ALLsellers to have a less than 28 day old wof on a vehicle unless its sold " as is where is"
May 11, 4:51am
keep in mind a woodrowTrade Me are NOT and never will be the law. They are and always will be an advertising media. The ONLY power they have is the support from buyers and sellers. Other Motor vehicle advertising mediaadoptedan arrogant stance over the years. First the Hz herald with their listing rules.Followed by Auto trader magazine.-I can tell you they thought they were gods. Then along came trade and exchange and trade me. so far as each thought they were invincible something came along and knocked them down. Usually at the peak of their arrogance. keep in mind trade me is ONLY a force in one tiny corner of the world. A MUCH more powerful advertising organisation simply hasn't bothered with NZ. That being Ebay. But the day will come where they see the potential. Or even craigs list is as big if not bigger that TM.
May 11, 8:38am
I thought the rule about WOF etc was for registered car dealers only. TM is not a registered car dealer.
May 11, 11:14am
They can do want, its their selling website. If they said no unwarranted cars can be listed then thats that. Look on the brightside there'l be less poohboxes around the streets, he he.
May 11, 5:10pm
If that WAS the case then I'd have no arguement for a moment. This is NOT the case here TM are making a definition that is contrary to the law on two fronts. 1) by NOT stipulating that all non as is where is cars must have a 28 day old or less wof 2)by making a definition of what is LEGALLY required registration wise and RUC wise. Remembering of course that cars sold DIRECTLY through TM always have the rego and wof expiry date clearly on the listing. Therefore this requires no further definition Dealer listings through the NOW TM dealer site I can relate to the need for definition to ensure the TRUE cost of a vehicle is clearly displayed . But again the legal requirement is very clear So why reinvent the wheel !
May 11, 5:14pm
tshop wrote: "They can do want, its their selling website. If they said no unwarranted cars can be listed then thats that. Look on the brightside there'l be less poohboxes around the streets, he he."
May 11, 5:29pm
No. The law regarding the sale of a vehicle be it a private sale or through a RMVT is that the WoF must be less than 1 month old unless the buyer specifically acknowledges in writing that they accept the fact it is older than 1 month and that they will no operate it except soley for the purposes of bringing it into compliance and provided it is safe to do so.
May 11, 5:34pm
It's no contrary to the law. It's simply far in excess of the law and serves no purpose.
TMhave clearly had simpletons complaining about the dealer practice of "+ ORC" and hatched a ill-conceived plan to address the problem. They're just short-sighted idiots, pure and simple.
May 11, 6:33pm
I heard for 2013 TM are bringing in a requirement that all vehicle listings must be sold with a full tank of gas, new tyres and complimentary air freshener (does not have to be pine scented). Think i'll go back to parking on the side of the road with a for sale sign in the window!
May 11, 6:40pm
Good luck with that.
May 11, 6:44pm
It's worked well for me plenty of times in the past.
May 11, 6:50pm
Kazbanz I still think you are barking up the wrong tree on this one. It's trademe's website, they can stipulate the terms and conditions for auctioning a vehicle on their site. just because it's more than the legal requirement doesn't mean that it is unlawful. Although I think the 3 month rego requirement is excessive, it's trademe's policy, and unless they are prepared to change it, you have to like it or lump it.
May 11, 7:05pm
Correct a.woodrow^. Pretty simple stuff really. I doubt jumping up and down will make any difference.
May 11, 7:39pm
I agree with #21. Its their site, their rules.As long as its not contracting out of either the Fair Trading Act or the CGA they can use their terms and conditions as they like
May 11, 9:02pm
Where can I read the actual wording of this new policy!
May 11, 9:53pm
Open your eyes.
Also the thread missing from yesterday had more info.
May 11, 10:13pm
Bit OTT for TMconsidering their hands off approach to sales gone bad& just how do they think they can enforce itI reckon kabanz has it right . F$%^$ getting new WoF every 28 days if it doesnt sell .I Just get new 1once its sold.
May 11, 11:14pm
Im not getting into laws, rules®s but as far as Im concearned if a car has 1 day rego left and 1 day warrent left then its still legally allowed to be driven on our roads. As many say it can be unsafe 1 day after getting a new warrent anyway so its kinda stupid as alot can happen in 28 days. I think if you mention in your auction that you will havenew rego (or not) and warrent on the car once sold then who cares what box you tick, or can they dictate that as well now. It sounds like NZ want the small claims courtsheld up with petty bickering against each other. Wont be long before we are all carrying neck braces around with us.
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