Need a cheap 2nd hand tyre te puke area

the-lada-dude, May 9, 10:24pm
you know how things seem to turn to sh. quicker than you anticipated.
it's a long story, but let's cut to the chase.
i need a 185/70/13 tyre with enough oomph to get a warrent. i don't want a new one as i'm going to change rim diameters soon,
i know i left this to the last minute but bugger me, i can't find any thing under $60-70 2nd hand ! i can bloody near get a new one for that price
irang heaps of tyre shops and found only 2x 2nd hand ones
if anyone can help out let me know and set up an auction.

nave12, May 9, 11:13pm
How about pick a part around in Tauranga.Their tyres go from 15$ that would pass a warrant up to 35$ for a mint as one.

the-lada-dude, May 9, 11:37pm
hey thanks nave12might be up early and try them.
just seems to be a hard size to find

vr4_legnum, May 9, 11:43pm
Try TyreMaster Greerton. Did have one around $40 think it was. Ring Wayne 578 8805

the-lada-dude, May 10, 12:31am
tavr4_ legnum
the other way to go is get 2 x 175 / 70 / 13and put them on
your allowed different tyre sizes as long as they are oposite each other.
but still gunna cost me !

vr4_legnum, May 10, 1:03am
Yes can put 175/70x13 on the same axle but you would want to put 175's on the front and 185's on the rear.

Or Tyre Master Glasgow street. They have heaps used tyres down here. 578 2598.

the-lada-dude, May 10, 1:36pm
ta.will try today