Beema gear trouble

leezen, Apr 1, 11:23pm
i have a 1994 525i bmw which leaks brake fluid,would this effect the manual gearbox!

bellky, Apr 1, 11:26pm
Where is the leak from, brakes or clutch!

carmedic, Apr 1, 11:26pm
From where!
The clutch slave or master cylinder! Yes

mugenb20b, Apr 2, 12:57am
Only if the brake fluid is leaking from the clutch hydraulic system.

leezen, Apr 4, 11:39pm
there is a second reservoir apart from the one that goes into the master cylinder which goes directly into the firewall.this is the one thats empty.when i fill it up with fluid the clutch works and gears engage till it all leaks out.the only visible sign of break fluid leakage seams to be directly under the bell housing but thats with limited room,help!

thunderbolt, Apr 4, 11:44pm
Clutch slave cylinder leaking.
Take car to mechanic and he will install some clutch stop leak for you.

bellky, Apr 4, 11:47pm
'Mechanic' should probly replace.

thunderbolt, Apr 4, 11:49pm
I didn't want to make the explanation to complicated.

bellky, Apr 4, 11:55pm
"But wouldn't it be better to install some 'clutch stop leak'"