Help please. Thinking of buying some mags with 2055017 tyres on them will they fit my 93 mazda lantis and wont rub cheers shay

sd8888, Mar 31, 10:13pm
Thinking of buying some mags with 205/50/17 tyres on them will they fit my 93 mazda lantis and wont rub! Cheers shay.

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 31, 11:01pm
Depends. Either way it'll look gay, but that may be what you're going for.

barbuzz, Apr 1, 12:28am
What profile tyre is it riding on at the moment! Profile: that's the number in the middle. I would say, 50 series would rub. 40 or 45 series should be okay though.

sd8888, Apr 1, 12:44am
thanks tony for your useless post lol

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 1, 1:07am
Very catty. Perhaps it is exactly the look you're going for after all.

Thanks for your lacking-in-relevant-informatio-
n post.

outbidyou2, Apr 1, 1:26am