Tyre help please

s.c, Mar 30, 11:37pm
I need tyres for my BMW and keep getting told different things. The Michelin ones that were on it haven't lasted very long 25000 klms. So please what are a goodbrand of tyre that's not too expensive that suits the car 225/45/17 something about soft and hard compounds I'm lost

3tomany, Mar 30, 11:51pm
i dont think those ks are to bad for that type of tire

tmenz, Mar 31, 12:13am
Goodyear Performance Grip

neo_psy, Mar 31, 12:44am
What sort of driving are you doing!

And what sort of BMW!

vr4_legnum, Mar 31, 12:56am
Faklen ZE912 Or Falken ZE452 or GT Raidal HPY.

s.c, Mar 31, 1:42am
BMW 320 I . Live in the country and have a work vehicle so only drive it a couple of times but out and about not in the city

s.c, Mar 31, 5:19pm
What is the difference between hard and soft compound and any more ideas for Tyres someone suggested Maxmus not sure of spelling

vtecintegra, Mar 31, 5:58pm
Generally harder compounds will last longer but grip worse, softer compounds will last a shorter amount of time but grip much better.

Depending on your driving style and how the roads are in your area 25,000 may be fairly good tyre life, certainly better than I get out of the rears of my Skyline

kingfisher21, Mar 31, 5:59pm
Toyo C1-S, BMW's seem to go very well on them, quiet and good wear characteristics.

kevymtnz, Mar 31, 6:04pm
Hankook are a good alrounder + better in the wet than most
BMW will chew the front ones out so u need to keep eye them and move them to the back

gram, Mar 31, 6:20pm
I've been running different sets of Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3 for about 10 years now in size 205/55/16. No idea of the mileage I get but it suits me. I think they are great tyres. Beaurepaires often do good prices on them too.

s.c, Mar 31, 6:44pm
Thanks will get a price are they hugely expensive !

sw20, Mar 31, 7:34pm
If you can still get the GSD3 tyre. Budget on around $250 each or more for something decent.

gram, Mar 31, 8:08pm
In Dec 2010 I paid $225 each balanced, fitted.

s.c, Mar 31, 10:08pm
It's just so confusing between all the brands Goodyear say stay away from bridgestone and vice versa

gram, Mar 31, 11:31pm
Yeah like most situations in life, having a choice presents you with a dilemma. It's your call.
I've had Michelins, Bridgestone Potenzas and Yokohamas (and they were all OK.maybe the Yokohamas were a bit noisy as they wore down) and since running Goodyear F1 haven't had a moments concern. On Audis and not all quattro. They are awesome.zero aquaplaning. My opinion.