Mini needs new motor

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cowlover, May 17, 6:58am
Saw a mechanic whack the flywheel thru the starter hole once.Still laughing as hammer missed and shattered the housing.Got better they fited the wrong 2nd hand one - didn't do the transfer gear bearing either, and had to pull it all to bits twice.Oh and grinder gets the nut outa the way as well.Can you still buy those bolts!

smac, May 17, 3:21pm
More common than a lot of people (including mechanics) would like to admit. My puller is the centre of an old two piece flywheel - ain't no way a stuck fly can say no to that.

Anywhoo.whether you rebuild or replace is your call. Mainly depends on how fast you need the car working really. Personally I'd pick up a 2nd hand engine, throw that in for now, and then re-con your one. If anything is actually broken and you need parts then stuffed 998 units are still pretty cheap.

Get yourself a Haynes manual even for engine swap. Although it's pretty straight forward there's still a few tricks and tips in there that will more than pay for its self in the first job. If you're rebuilding then you need the manualfor tolerances etc

Lastly, get yourself over to All the help you need is right there. You'll be amazed at how much more helpful and friendly people with a common interest will be compared to this place.

movnon, May 17, 4:17pm
Why bother doing the job twice,waste of time, gaskets, more chance of fukcups if done by an amatuer. those engines are a piece if piss to overhaul, i'd go the whole 9 yards, rebore & crankgrind if worn too far, good headjob, if the rest of the car is any good. make sure you check the snatch box & clutch properly. (now the gearbox! not a job for an amatuer!)

smac, May 17, 4:23pm
As I said, it depends how soon you need the car. He may not want it off the road long enough to re-con. If he can find a runner it's 1 day off the road.

movnon, May 17, 4:26pm
HAHA most minges have been off the road for decades LOL

wrxnz1, May 17, 8:06pm
it has a 1000 in it i was thinking of buying another engine and stick that in it and rebuild my engine and sell it as i was planning to sell the mini anyway
i have another car so dont need it going stright away

movnon, May 17, 9:19pm
do you know if its a 998 or a 997 engine!997 had a 62.34 bore x 81.28 stroke, 998 had 64.58 bore x 76.2 stroke. (when std)

movnon, May 17, 9:40pm
why not get an 1100 engine!

elect70, May 17, 10:11pm
Any usedmini motors willbe well worn ,, better to pull down& reconhardest part is gettingflywheel off&engine mount bolts back inrest is straight forward . .Had 3& recond ormodified all of them

smac, May 17, 10:26pm
Well worn yes, but if you keep a 998 motor serviced and be nice to the gearbox it'll just keep going and going and going until the cam's worn flat (well, round, I guess).

wrxnz1, May 18, 12:00am
not sure if its 998 or 997
its a 1981 leyland mini city if that helps

jmma, May 18, 1:08am
Manuals easy to o/haul, autos take a little longer (o:
Still only need the hammer though (o:

smac, May 18, 1:12am
Ignore him, it'll be a 998, 997 was the early cooper and are very rare.

nicolaas3, May 18, 2:16am
Don't forget do some research on fully built up engines from mother England.
Won't be cheap but will save a lot of pissing around trying to find parts.

Unless you are really confident in your mechanical ability I wouldn't open one up.

jmma, May 18, 2:32am
What! Are you a parts fitter! Got to be one of the easiest engines, with plenty of advice etc on the net,

movnon, May 18, 3:10am
untill the bore & stroke is checked you can not know for sure.

wrxnz1, May 18, 3:50am
am confident in my mechanical skill as i have said i always do my own work to my cars and i have rebuilt a few motorbike engines before so im keen to give it a go but will defintly do some research before
are parts hard to come by!

jmma, May 18, 4:00am
Good on yah wrxnz1, Must still be plenty of parts around.
PS, don't forget to get a hammer (o:

smac, May 18, 4:37am
Riiight. The chances of somebody buying a bog standard mini, and it containing a 997 are about squillion to 1. This guy wants help deciding whether to rebuild or replace teh donk in his mini 1000 and you're asking him if it's a 997.noice.

cowlover, May 18, 5:02am
I agree fi what you got.Can't see any problems with rebuiling the box as well.Could always get a jack Knight 5 speed ex uk!Last mini engine i built was made up of three old ones.Only new parts were the rings and the gaskets.It did 60K before it gave up and then was rebuilt again with 2nd hand o/s pistons nd went for years before the body rotted.They truely are simple and robust.My puller was an old two part flywheel as well- now that could be hard to find now.81 would be a mark III would it not with in board cvs etc!

kaymay88, May 18, 5:42am
are you a mini fanatic, or a car fanatic!
if a mini fanatic, then ignore my post, youll find it offensive.
if youre a car fanatic, why not go extreme! a chap in dunedin has a 1600 Vtec in his mini. a few have put a hayabusa engine into them too.
or try a ZX14, R1, ZX10 engine into it.

smac, May 18, 3:28pm
Hmmmm but as I've said before, the two vtec's that showed to the nationals last year were both beaten by road going A series cars :)

movnon, May 18, 3:29pm
ok thats the odds, but if he happens on a 997 i wouldnt use it , it must be worth mega spondallies as a collectors item. sometimes people dont know what they have. If he wants grunt why not get a later 1275 engine!

movnon, May 18, 3:29pm
ok thats the odds, but if he happens on a 997 i wouldnt use it , it must be worth mega spondallies as a collectors item. sometimes people dont know what they have. If the wants grunt why not get a later 1275 engine!

smac, May 18, 3:37pm
Cost, for one, and the need for cert.which you won't get without disc brakes. Our 998 puts just as bigger a smile on my face as the 1380.