The oil isn't a big problem just the seals in the rocker cover. May have a broken gearbox or eng mount.
Apr 13, 5:20am
and you may well find that fixing the seals will fix the shudder oil of that quantity will give you intermittent spark under full load ie acceleration
Apr 13, 6:00pm
I do a mod on those as even a new expensive rubber gasket can still leak. Simply remove rocker cover and seal, very carefully hand file where the bolts go through. They have deliberate cast spacers to prevent overtightening. Obviously if the gasket is broken will need replacement but do the mod as well. Trans check the oil level first but sounds like trans is failing / failed which is not common.
Apr 14, 3:26am
What is a mod!
Apr 14, 3:44am
Where is Ray Columbus when we need him!
Apr 14, 3:51am
Possibly just tighten the rocker cover bolts down a bit (very carefully) and this may stop the oil leakage. Go from there!
Sep 25, 7:30pm
I divide non-compliance with paleo into two caregoties: 80/20 and cheating. 80/20 (by which I do not mean those exact ratios) refers to generally pursuing paleo to the greatest extent all the time. This way of viewing paleo is particularly important if you do not prepare all meals yourself. For instance, if I have a meal out, even if I eat generally paleo all meat and veggies for instance it is likely that the sauce may have some sugar or flour or processed vegetable oil. I sometimes get take-out for lunch from a prepared foods shop: my prefered selection is sliced steak and some sauteed veggies on the side. I take it as a given that the meat is not grass-fed and the veggies are cooked in some type of Omega-6 oils. While this situation is neither ideal nor something to be ignored (I will take fish oil capsules to readjust my Omega-3 / -6 ratios, etc.), yet if the general gist of the meal is paleo, I do not consider this cheating ; rather it is eating paleo as best one can given what is available. It is 80/20 paleo eating.Cheating would be, e.g., intentionally eating a donut, a slice of pizza, a beer, a bag of Doritos, a bagel, cake, a Mars bar, etc. It is deveating from paleo because you succumb to a _desire_ to eat a non-paleo food.My approach is to try to _always_ eat 80/20 and to _never_ cheat. Call me a hypocrite or a sufferer of cognitive dissonance (defining cheating as the things I happen not to do ), but this way of seeing things works for me. Am I kidding myself or do people see this as a helpful way of approaching the diet?
Sep 26, 12:55pm
Dr.Shanahan,I have two questions, I am rnadieg Deep Nutrition slowly as i have four children and not a lot of free time. I am confused about carbs. Do sprouted flour items count as carbs, does oatmeal count as carbs. Also, caffeine. I know you stated that you drink coffee, is caffeine detrimental to health at all? Thanks.
Sep 28, 10:23am
Hello! So excited to find your site. We're trynig right now and I am reading so much on conventional health sites that warn against seafood, leftovers, beef jerky, salad bars, homemade mayo, over easy eggs, smoked fish and meat, unpasteurized milk or dairy, and reindeer or other game. What have you found in your research? It seems like much of this advice is against the Paleo lifestyle. I am new to this philosophy and I'm trynig to reconcile what I've always heard about nutrition during pregnancy and the fantastic results I've SEEN in women living Paleo. My goal is to come out of pregnancy fitter than I was when I went in by moderate exercise, yoga, and healthful living. I would LOVE any tips you have and of course I will be scouring the rest of the blog. THANK YOU!!Eva
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