My Mum and Dad had a ding in their car so they took it to the panelbeaters for a few hours work. Went to pick it up and were advised their car reacted to the paint so would not get car back for another week.does this sound right or do you think panelbeater stuffed up with colour!
May 19, 4:13am
A week! geez what happened! most problems should be sorted in day not a week.
May 19, 4:15am
I have cars give trouble like that on a fairly regular basis and they still go out on time as a rule. There are a heap of imponderables though, age, type of paint, history of the car etc. Should only be a delay of a day or so at the worst.
May 19, 4:20am
The car is a late model Kia.
May 19, 4:21am
Hmmm even fishier then. Id be asking what really happened, maybe they had a wee prang in it or something and not letting on!
May 19, 4:23am
I think somebody is making up porkies to buy some time, a week is enough time to do a substantial amount of work and a late model car should not be creating huge problems for a paint shop. edit to add "not"
May 19, 4:24am
May 19, 4:25am
mmm that is what I thought but my parents are so gullible and think all is okay. The ding was minor, someone banged into them at a supermarket and it was only quoted $250.00 to fix. My son had a crash and was quoted $3,000 to fix and his car only took about a week and a half to repair.
May 19, 4:28am
I would be going in first thing Monday morning and be asking to see the car and demand a explanation. If they refuse (which they cant) dont go till you do. Something odd going on here, You could do a full respray 3 times in a week on the same car if you wanted.
May 19, 4:28am
Maybe call in to have a look at the "paint reaction" and see what's going on!
May 19, 4:42pm
Maybe the paint ""reacted""- ; with the concrete wall that the apprentice had a wee moment with!
May 19, 4:43pm
My thought exactly
May 19, 4:50pm
or they parked the car out on the street and it reacted with another car this happened to me years ago.
May 20, 2:04am
Yep I'd definitely demand to see the car (however, your parents must be with you as since its not actually yours they can still say no). Cos if they have done further damage they may do a half ass job and just hide their crap panelbeating work with fresh paint. They arent being paid to repair their mistakes so if they are not a legit business they would cut corners to save them $$.
May 20, 2:33am
"Those bloody painters!"
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