What is this strange tyre changing device used for

petermcg, May 19, 6:07pm
I can understand the bead breaker bit, but what are the wheels for. Can anyone find anything about this, I have googled it.

fertman, May 19, 6:12pm
Wheels are for putting tyre back on the rim. Used one at the garage I worked in the late 60's.The next model had the first air ram for breaking the bead.

ladatrouble, May 19, 8:26pm
Yeah, first new fangled tyre machine I got to use.better than hammers and tyre levers on the floor. A puny 16 year old body had to really swing on that lever to break the bead. Once tubeless rims came out there was no way you could break a bead like that, so the next generation of tyre machines had the vertical pneumatic bead breaker.