#51 heheI like that ! ( way back in the day many years ago ) !, The primary gear "whine"though wasenough to drive one insane lol , Look around in those dayseveryMake & Modelof car you could nameprob 20 at the most & that was it. Most top tunes were the cyl head off&a decoke /valve grind ,infact very few now have a valve refacing machinein their workshop, almost unheard off , sincethe intro of unleaded fuel.Thetappet adgustments on all those pommy front trans drives were a breeze , cover off , chuck in top gear, park brake off , spark plugs out ,then nudge or roll car back & forth on the end of ya knee caps while adjusting the tappets , no back strain all right there in ya face lol .Im not a big fan of pommy cars or trucks to be honest just happened to work on them.Howeverin the pommy lotIhave only ever owned a Wolsely 24/806cyl Mowog / Aseries 1 landrover, &aStandard 10, Oh and a BSA Bantum M/cycle. and also an A60 Austin Freeway countryman wagonlol.
Jun 1, 5:05pm
English stuff I have owned
53 Humber 10 54 (ish) Standard 10 58 Hillman Minx 64 Jaguar Mk2 61 Singer Vogue 62 Hillman Minx 63 Singer Gazelle 66 Ford 105E Anglia 68 Vauxhall Victor 70 Hillman Imp 72 Vauxhall Victor 72 hillman Hunter 72 Triumph 2000
Most owned for a few years each with cross over years where I owned & or drove 2 or 3.
Probably a few more I can't remember at the mo
Jun 1, 5:12pm
People seem to have forgotten that in the late 60's the Cooper S was the fastest production car out there.
Jun 1, 5:36pm
#53Fxit ,You did have a few !i just rememberedsome othersI had , but anyways. i bet you wished you still had the Jag& Hillman imp . #54Yep the sought after( coopersmodel )right up untill the Jappersarrived with their great little Honda civic,
Jun 1, 5:42pm
THEN . there were the ppl that transplanted worked 1600cc cosworth engines to the mini gearbox . Now THAT was a nasty piece of work
Jun 1, 6:00pm
All sorts of concoctions were around them days lol , no wonderland Transport come down on it.out right death traps V8 transplants ,ol stick welder in theresplatter upthe chassiswith new engine mounts with a splash of paint ,etc some real unbalanced stuff , the worst was patching up panel , chicken netting . news paper & shit loads of bog lol , the newwof sticker posted out to ya after a briefdiscussion about payment lol,
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