Sounds like an inside job.someone who works there or used to work there knows the cracks in the system, too well planned to be opportunistic.
Jun 1, 2:11am
how much interest have the police shown so far!
Jun 6, 2:32am
Jun 6, 7:07am
nope didint find it, was last seen in auckland area but hasnt been found so I guess its been stripped.
Jun 6, 12:36pm
Ive heard of a company (gosh I wonder who!) that has had a few go missing but this is the first one publicized, as well as parts etc, to the stage where one guy importing top of the range performance gear no longer uses them. Another mate rang yesterday & said 'Hi have you got my car unloaded or did it go out the gate with the Impala!' they werent too impressed apparently.
Jun 6, 2:26pm
yea it sux aye, with all the publicity you would have thought someone would have found the car but no luck so I guess the insurance now will be sorting it out.
Jun 6, 9:32pm
^^ Bet plods never eveninvestigated , justfiled the details & tell you toseeyour insurance co . .
Jun 6, 11:42pm
Cops would have given up looking as soon as the phone was hung up.They really dont give a sh!t.Remember the Jail Bar thread that was on here!Cops knew who did it and where it went apparently,but still did nothing. If I was the impala owner I would be looking at past auctions on TM that have sold 65 impy projects with live plates,theres been at least two in the last 3 years. Also saying more details of the other missing cars,three cars being looked for gives three times the chance.
Jun 7, 3:27am
I think hes tried pretty much everything he can think of, theres been heaps of publicity which hasnt turned anything up. Obviously there was no security cameras or any footage that showed anything. Not much else Luke can do now really
Jun 7, 7:15pm
can always hire the gangs. with his offer of rewards i'm sure the gangs be licking their fingers.
Jun 7, 7:17pm
Good plan, offer them reward, they'll take it, then demand twice as much to give it back.
Jun 7, 10:27pm
^^ not necessarilyI usedbike gangfor debt collectingyears ago,Fixed fee &no collectno charge.Workedextremly well . Recommended by my accountant who was also amoney lender.
Jun 7, 10:42pm
Mmmmm, will keep that in mind.
Jun 8, 5:00pm
Hah depends on the gang. I dont think any average person could walk into their yard and ask them to find your car for $. They'd probably beat you up & throw you back out before you had a chance to say anything. And then if you did manage to get them to listen & work for you, they may find out if was their own gang that stole it and then what. OR they get the car back then the Police get involved and you get charged with association.
Jun 10, 12:59am
worked for a chap down here in Waikanae, he put it round that he wanted his XA Coupe back no questions asked, 1 week later told to give ##### 1000bux cash and he will get a result, 1 week later a phone call to tell him his coupe parked on the side of the road in Pekapeka and there it was with only a ciggy burn in the seat. ##### didnt know the theives, just was a well connected person, but he did get it back.a minter as well.
Aug 17, 9:18pm
well heres some good news! This car has been recovered, still in one piece!
Aug 17, 9:22pm
Excellent to hear someone have a win! !
Aug 17, 10:03pm
Hopefully it was an organised car theft ring that stole it,by finding it may lead to the recovery of some of the other high profile cars that have vanished recently.Nice to see a happy ending for the owner-hope no damage was done!
Aug 17, 10:05pm
- how! when! where!
Aug 18, 12:18am
all i know is it was found in auckland all in one piece dont think its been damaged in any way at all, owner is of course stoked!
Aug 19, 12:03am
Hold crap, a rare coupe like that you can't hide. And the last year they made them too.what a luck finding that.
Aug 19, 12:51am
the last year they made 65's you mean.Great to see it returned though, are we going to be able to "Name and Shame" the purp, this would be a good development too.
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