Engine coolant.

biteme, May 31, 12:39am
Running aluminium radiator and wanting to know if there is a maximum percentage of antifreeze beyond which, the antifreeze can actually damage the cooling system. IE. Can I run 100% antifreeze!

shane.64, May 31, 12:44am
Is it 100% antifreeze as most are per mixed .50:50 is best anymore is just a wast and wont improve anything

a.woodrow, May 31, 1:44am
There is no advantage in running straight antifreeze, I believe it is actually less effective as it transfers heat better with water added. Are you trying to get a better freeze temp or provide more anti corrosion for your vehicle!

n1smo_gtir, May 31, 2:13am
Too much antifreeze reduces the heat absorption. too little don't offer enough protection. if i remember correctly during winter you want a bit more anti freeze and less in summer. always best to seek advice from dealership of brand of vehicle as well as the labelling on the antifreeze bottle.

biteme, May 31, 12:53pm
Looking for better anti corrosion. Maybe I'll just drain the radiator and fill up with straight antifreeze and rely on the residual water in the block/heater for the mix. Any suggestions for a radiator flush solution and how long to run it!

tonyrockyhorror, May 31, 4:42pm
It does have a lower specific heat, meaning for every Joule of heat added the temperature rises more than would plain water. But with a correctly operating cooling system that's not an issue, just as plain water (corrosion issues aside) wouldn't provide any appreciable benefit with an incorrectly functioning cooling system.

However, purely from a economic PoV, it's a straight out waste of money running over 50% concentration.

elect70, May 31, 8:48pm
Unless you are running a spitfire ( merlin )in - 40 o in it thendontneed pureglycol .

a.woodrow, May 31, 9:39pm
just buy an additive in a bottle or change your antifreeze every year

martin11, May 31, 10:59pm
Even they do not use it neat