Car mechanic! In NZ! More like $15-$35 on the tools.
May 24, 12:48am
Yeah just an average car mechanic. What is on the tools!
May 24, 12:51am
Working as a mechanic with tools rather than being a supervisor.
May 24, 12:51am
Someone that uses tools, not a manager or rep etc
May 24, 1:23am
Apprentices typically around $11-$17 (depending on training agreement with employer), Qualified normally around $17-$25, A-Tech $20-$30.
I don't know of many mechanics at all that get more then $20 an hour. Usually guys who have been in for over 10 years or so will be around the $20-$25 area
May 24, 1:40am
Really! I thought that qualified mechanics get at least $20/h. I'm on $22.
May 24, 1:42am
what sort of garage! your typical behind the petrol station or a dealership!
May 24, 1:45am
When I was looking for a job, everyone was offering between $22 and $24/h.
May 24, 1:52am
whats your experience! iam thinking of going back after a 7 year absence. got qualified in 1999 and worked as a mechanic untill 2005.
just did the cambelt on my 2002 legacy rsk-b4 today at home. easy as, you dont forget mechanics, its just like riding a bike.
May 24, 1:53am
I've personally found that individual garages/petrol station places etc pay a bit better . only downside being not having the newest tools to work with and the higher risk of job security.
Dealers I've generally found pay a little less but look after me better with other perks etc
May 24, 2:03am
My experience! Well, a bit of a mixed bag actually. I got my qualification in 2003 (and AVI since '05 I think), I spent 6 years working on cars + 18 months on trucks and buses. I then had my own business doing heat pumps, refrigeration and A/C. And at the beginning of 2011 I went back to being a mechanic as I chose to close down my company and wanted a change in lifestyle. Oh, and I'm only 31.
May 24, 2:06am
The only thing I'm annoyed about where I am, is being unable to keep up with all the modern diagnostic tools and cars. I've never ever in my life plugged a scanner into a car to read fault codes. But, I can fix anything that's physically broken or mechanically worn out.
May 24, 2:54am
The pay was always rubbish - but I just like cars, new / old whatever I just like them So I was paid a pittance for my skill / chargeout for about a decade - now I own the place I am well above the figure the blokes in suits out there trying to sell the things are hocking themselves off for
Makes me happy
May 24, 3:38am
Not enough. Thats why Im a fisherman.
May 24, 3:38am
Really is that all car mechanics get!Stuff that I see a Job advertised in stockton for a diesel mechanic 4 on 3 off 12hr days$115k+ food and living allowences. Best I start doing a diesel apprenticeship.
May 24, 3:39am
Got offered $26-$27 from another company in Pammy, turned it down due to being a pay cut.
May 24, 3:50am
A proper qualified diesel mechanic has a lot of money if you go looking for it. Lots of money overseas for mechanic's as well. Have had a couple of mates leave to Aus to start on $35/hour as just a standard Qualified tech
May 24, 3:54am
Mechanic sounds like such an old fashioned and crude term for a skilled worker who's dealing with the increasingly complex computers systems and componentry found in modern cars. Automotive service technician is a much more fitting name for these workers.
May 24, 4:00am
Maybe a select few. I have not meet many mechanics thathave any sort ofgrasp or understanding about "complex computer systems".Maybe knowledge on how to follow a flow chart!
May 24, 4:10am
Is Using acomputer to fix a computer really as complex as you make it out to be!
May 24, 7:09am
I got to $24 n hr after 12 years, started out on my own 4 years ok never looked back, it surprises me how the general public think the mechanic working on their car gets paid the companies hourly rate, only miss using hoists now
May 24, 1:08pm
So why do they charge out $65-$120hr for labour!
May 24, 2:07pm
you have to cover holidays , ACC, insurance, tools, maintenance, rent/lease, power, admin, etc etc.
May 24, 2:10pm
Sometimes its much harder than he makes it out to be, diagnosis has to be right first time because a customer wont pay $5000 for an ECU if it wasnt the problem and you cant send them back.
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