Help me car experts!

wibster, May 22, 1:54am
i have a toyota estima van that wont go, the dash lights were all working, battry is fine, was making a clicking noise, got told to replace the starter motor, so i got a recond one from an auto electrician and it still wont go. any other ideas please!

mugenb20b, May 22, 1:58am
Check that the battery terminals are tight, and make sure you reattached the earth cable to one of the starter motor bolts.

1. How did you check the battery!
2. Have you bench tested the replacement starter motor before fitting it!

wibster, May 22, 2:02am
hubby is an electrican and he has some sort of gadget to check batry lol but he dont no stuff all about cars, i will ask him when he come back in :-)

mugenb20b, May 22, 2:03am
OK, the next thing you do is, lightly tap the starter with a hammer whilst cranking the key. Let us know what happens.

foxdonut, May 22, 2:06am
I suspect fuel issue.

Did you google it! It might be a common issue.

gunna-1, May 22, 2:10am
Is the small wire that goes to the solienoid hooked up!

wibster, May 22, 2:13am
we going out to have another look now, he said he put everything back where he got it

wibster, May 22, 2:34am
ok so hubby just said he hadnt tested battery yet he was getting to it hhaha , wasnt fully charged, so we jump started it and got it going. thanks for your help :-)

elect70, May 22, 8:09pm
First rule is to check the basics& at the scource .Old school garagesway was just keep replacingparts until its fixed& charge youfor themaccordingly

lostdude, May 22, 8:57pm
What do you mean old school! There are plenty of outfits that still do that today.